Design Addict


What's in your frid...

What's in your fridge?  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2201
04/11/2005 12:40 am  

As I pondered my open fridge, deciding what we needed to get today and drinking V8 from the bottle (yes, women do this too), it occured to me that the inner landscape of our fridge says a lot about my hubby and I. We love to cook, love to feed people and love to experiment. We've got everything from Spanish anchovies to Vietnamese sambal to saukraut in there, all snuggled up next to Laurent Perrier, several bottles of Red Bicyclette Rose, every bar-mixer known to mankind and last week's chinese take-away. Our condiment stock is staggering, who knew any two people could need so many kinds of mustard!?! We tend to shop 'euro' style buying fresh things daily, so we seem to store only staples, booze and leftovers (besides the Visigoth hordes of condiments, that is). I guess my fridge clearly labels us yuppie urbanites. However we're in our mid-fourties and live in the woods 50+ miles from Boston. So maybe Food-addict and Design-addict aren't the same thing after all. But somehow, I get a feeling there's a link. Thoughts, anyone?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
04/11/2005 12:59 am  

I don't know if there is a...
I don't know if there is a link. It's more of a social thing I think.
My fridge is very reminescent of of southern trailer trash (I live in Mississippi). My fridge houses very simple foods. Besides the normal veggies, fruits, and occasional leftover sushi my fridge boasts a nice redneck bouquet of hotdogs, microwavable sausage biscuits, beer, and soda.
... and although I won't touch a turkey neck or a pig's foot, I'll proudly eat a nasty hot pocket in the comfort of my Eames LCW. Go figure.

Noble Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 277
04/11/2005 1:53 am  

fridge is mostly unfilled cos i shop every day (i never know what i want to eat the next day). now it contains; appolinaris, coke, coke light (diet), cherry coke, vanilla coke, dr pepper, lots of red bull, proactive milk, stella artois (beer), looza b3 (green fluorescent fruitjuice), 2 bottles of champaign, aquarius, gatorade, mustard, mayonaise, ketchup, yakult, surimi, italian ham, vinaigrette, krauterbutter, tube of wasabi and chocomousse. thats it!

azurechicken (USA)
Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1966
04/11/2005 3:46 am  

Some green thing....................hey its moving!


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