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What's your favorit...

What's your favorite chair?  

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James Collins
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07/02/2006 12:33 am  

Just for a fun thread. What is your favorite modern chair. Only two criteria: 1) Is it a good 'chair'? ie comfortable, practical, sitable (not a real word) for a while w/o back ache? 2) Does it look awesome? OK I'll go first, my favorite is the Brno chair. It's eminently sitable and has that delightful bounce and it is to my eye a nearly perfect design.

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07/02/2006 3:04 am  

Eames lounge chair by far
Eames lounge chair by far

Illustrious Member
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07/02/2006 3:38 am  

For comfort/looks/function I...
For comfort/looks/function I have to agree - even if it is no very original.

Illustrious Member
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07/02/2006 5:30 am  

Saarinen Womb
I just got one recently and I am loving it. Comfortable, beautiful and cat friendly. Saarinen designed it as a reading chair and I have to say, that for me, it fills that role perfectly.

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07/02/2006 8:49 am  

In which
of these two lounge/reading chairs is it more possible to shift oneself to an alternate position?
My impression is that Eames was to some extent satisfied to offer a single comfortable posture in a chair, possibly neglecting the absolute neccesity of altering one's position after a period of time. . .

Illustrious Member
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07/02/2006 4:53 pm  

Womb is adjustable
I rearrange myself a lot in it, leg over arm, slouch, straighten, ottoman/no ottoman, etc. I only sat in an Eames Lounge once and it felt small and somewhat confining to me. I do admit that the low back support was good, though. What I like about the Womb is that it's generous in its proportions without feeling overscale and the low back support is quite nice; the pillow is moveable. I didn't really set out to buy a 'classic' chair. I wanted a comfortable one that suited me and the style of our house. It just so happened that the Womb was just the ticket for me.

azurechicken (USA)
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07/02/2006 6:26 pm  

stands alone, Olive is right it allows so much,leg over arm a favorite... side note the womb sofa is a chair cut in two with a board for length...Womb concept is EERO at his best in furniture.

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07/02/2006 8:57 pm  

Could someone post a link of the Womb chair?
Thanks. All of this leg-over-arm talk is making me think some designer should design a chair with arms that overtly call attention to and facilitate leg-over-arming. It would appear to be a beloved past time for certain sitters. ATTENTION: DESIGN OPPORTUNITY! 🙂

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07/02/2006 11:53 pm  

I have not lived with a womb...
I have not lived with a womb chair but I have been in one a few times. I always notice where the back loose cushion ends on my back. It isn't uncomfortable by any means, but I find it a little annoying. Does that awareness wear off or does the cushion wear down ...

azurechicken (USA)
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08/02/2006 1:24 am  

awareness wears off as the cushion wears down...

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08/02/2006 2:02 am  

Nah, you just move it
I just automatically squinch myself into position as I settle in. I am an avowed book-aholic. I read a lot a lot a lot and tend to do so late at night after my hubby is long since gone to sleep. My reading-in-bed habit was driving him bonkers. The Womb was such a great solution. I get the cozy comfort I want, he no longer rolls over to a reading lamp blaring in his eyes at 1AM. Marriage saved!
DCW, link attached for you.

Illustrious Member
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08/02/2006 2:49 am  

I've always had a weakness...
I've always had a weakness for Bertoia's Bird chair and ottoman. No comments needed 🙂

Illustrious Member
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08/02/2006 4:54 am  

Quite nice, Olive.
Did you pay full retail? Even if you did, its probably less than a year of marriage counseling (what I estimated would be required to solve our similar problem) and certainly a bargain compared to divorce. 🙂 I too have this problem of reading late when my wife slumbers. I tried a halfway solution--a Petzl Teka LED light that straps on the head, but she quickly nixed that. I am now banished to another bedroom to read. 🙁 But I am relentless. I wait just till she is asleep, scamper back in and use the Petzl as she snoozes. It is the only environmentally responsible thing to do. It would be wasteful to let all her undercover warmth--what we call BFG, or bed feel good--go unshared. I would have to use an electric blanket if not. Fortunately she's a heavy sleeper once she's under. 🙂

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08/02/2006 10:43 pm  

Got lucky
I got lucky and got the chair and ottoman for a ridiculously low price compared to list. I was asked this question on the thread about the best bargain/find ever and when I begged off answering, I was soundly pronounced boring, so I'll skip the story this time. I, too tried various bed/book light solutions only to be grumbled at when hubby was awakened upon rollover. He snores like a jack hammer, (main reason I read until late) but I'm supposed to accept that without complaint! So the chair, which still was a big chunk o'change, really was a great solution.

azurechicken (USA)
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09/02/2006 4:18 am  

the next one!Thats why I am single?I have a restless eye,I need new fodder all too often.

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