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What thing best def...

What thing best defines 'elegant design' to you ?  

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Honorable Member
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02/01/2007 10:06 pm  

The term elegant,according to [] has several variations of definition. However, the one most striking to me, and most relevant to great design, is the last on the list - number 6 of 6: "(of scientific, technical, or mathematical theories, solutions, etc.) gracefully concise and simple; admirably succinct."

The part that specifically moves me is the reference to "solutions". Whether a tiny,simple fastener or a grand building, all great designs noted for superior 'elegance' tend to reveal in a succinct statement - either the brilliance of, or the grueling hard work (or both) of the designer.

As well, I find a facinating correlation between the elegance that we find in creation,in nature, and in the pursuit of that most elusive of scientific pursuits; The grand scientific theory. The most elegant of all solutions,to all of the mysteries, in all of science.

How many of the greatest minds have been consumed and tormented by this,perhaps to their graves?

I think of the design of a tiny Amazon basin orchid, that can only be pollinated by a single type of bee.It has a 'portal' built into its shape so as to be irresistable to the bee, yet will only accept the size and shape of that particular bee. Tiny,beautiful,elegant - perfect.

It is easy to overlook these awe-inspiring excersises in design perfection when they exist quietly out of view (but for a few) when things like the Grand Canyon or a Great Blue Whale make such a dramatic statements.

The paradox is that each of these things,in its own way is flawlessly,elegantly designed, yet each is as grand as the other for its absolute design perfection.

Perhaps it should be said that we as a group of like minds should be grateful for our ability to see the beauty of things that are elegantly designed. Many,perhaps most, can not.

Designers provide us with gifts in which we can induldge our special affection for beauty and form - for disiplined function or purpose - for textural and colorful delight.

So, whether a letter opener, a chair an automobile, a building - What thing 'speaks' to you as a thing most elegant?

Illustrious Member
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03/01/2007 12:51 am  

Big holes in the earth and...
Big holes in the earth and mountains are a bit overrated now aren't they, although I'll admit in the movie, Grand Canyon, when they panned out over its top at the very end, it left my heart in my throat. But that's good camera work for you!
The orchid of the Amazon you describe sounds simply wonderful.
With regard to the definition of elegant you provide, there's a three second pedal steel solo in Rick Nelson's GARDEN PARTY, right after he sings "she belonged to me", that to my ears has always sounded perfectly meant to be.

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03/01/2007 1:08 am  

Shame on me...
for forgetting about the medium of music.

Illustrious Member
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03/01/2007 1:56 am  

Elegance and the metaphysics of perfection...
Elegance is just the right amount of everything needed for a problem solution in a context orchestrated in the most graceful way imaginable to fit that context. Any design language you choose to work in becomes a set of parameters you must work with. Context is your constraint set. Problem is your definition. Solution is your goal.
Perfection is a metaphysical notion and so designers, who should be among the ultimate physicalists, ought to leave it alone. Making something the best you can possibly imagine it is practical and quite enought to drive most designers to the edge of battiness. Making it perfect is impossible, because perfection itself is, as I already said, metaphysical.

Robert Leach
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03/01/2007 2:36 am  

I would still like to think
It means different things to different people, and different things to each person as they grow.
I was surprised the dictionary definition I read mentioned only materials and suitability, there was no mention of grace.
Carlo Mollino springs to mind as an essentially 'elegant' designer, but then again, I have a feeling for his work at the moment..
Maybe it is transient to a certain extent?
Or maybe I'm too subject to fashion ?

James Collins
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03/01/2007 7:36 pm  

Elegance is...
...the rare combination of sublime beauty and superb functionality

Honorable Member
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03/01/2007 9:35 pm  

I have always loved that table
The Saarinen Tulip; Most certainly a most elegant thing. The eye will never grow weary of it.

Illustrious Member
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04/01/2007 1:29 am  

Elegant design to me...
amongst other things is the Black Dress..1926..Coco Chanel.

Illustrious Member
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04/01/2007 2:42 am  

I think precision is very ele...
I think precision is very elegant.

Illustrious Member
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04/01/2007 6:12 am  

To those
who design (in any medium) an "elegant solution" to a problem is one which most efficiently and directly addresses the issues, without drama or waste or unnecessary moves. But elegance is more than bare efficiency -- it represents the "high road" on the way to a sensible solution, I think.

Honorable Member
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05/01/2007 2:18 am  

Story time kids!
When my wife and I were dating,we took in a stray Siamese cat that was so lithe and elegant that we named her Coco - of course after Coco Chanel.
I belive we got the cat in 1989 and the damned thing simply will not die. Unlike the timeless elegance of the Channel dress, an anorexic,geriatric cat prone to vomiting and howling looses its charm after a while. But she's simply too lovely to take to that "last trip to the vet". Sigh... ' the sufferings of an incurable aesthete.

Robert Leach
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05/01/2007 3:17 am  

Make the most of her..
She might come back as Karl Lagerfeld

Illustrious Member
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05/01/2007 3:51 am  

Thats not like you honey, Kark is remarkable for his years. I like the sound of the cat goodlines, she has character.

Illustrious Member
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05/01/2007 3:52 am  

of course i meant Karl not Kark. Its dark in here.

Honorable Member
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05/01/2007 10:05 pm  

What happened?
I was hoping for a plethora of thouhtful essays on individuals' favorite "elegant design objects".
Instead I have steered the whole thread toward discussions of vomitous,incontinent housecats and the likes of Karl Lagerfeld. Oh well...Mea Culpa.
I have to admit,however, the Lagerfeld reincarnation bit had me almost pee myself. You've gotta love a guy who has an eye for design and mind for humor!

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