Design Addict


What is happening t...

What is happening to the forum?  

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Modern Love
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 947
03/06/2007 10:00 pm  

We used to be able to police ourselves and the information in our posts quite well I thought. We would contribute and learn from each other in a polite and mature way. And we used to be able to correct misinformation in others posts, and it would be recieved with courtesy and respect. Above all, we all seemed to respect "the designer and his/her work", and would politely encourage people to support original design and licenced manufacturers when possible. I think because most of us had an understanding of what it was like to work in design, and understand what it means to have your hard work stolen.

More and more this forum is getting filled with misinformation, boasting (either of one's wealth or knowledge), and bargain hunting for the best repros. Most disappointing is the recent cursing, rudeness, and hateful personal attacks, that makes me think we have all regressed to a high school level.

I'm not ponting any fingers at anyone, I'm starting this thread in hopes we would take a step back and take a look at what is happening.

I remember one of the first threads I ever started, and I was so impressed by the maturity and quality of the discourse that everyone contributed. That's when I fell in love with this forum. Those days seem far removed now, very far removed:

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2358
03/06/2007 11:45 pm  

Might I request you start several threads about...
design process, philosophy, manufacture, distribution, sales, consumption, or history and give us a chance to do better. I have not experienced the coarse responses you describe. All in all people seem to tolerate my inemptness with good nature. Regardless, I for one am all for the civility, collegiality, and substantiveness of discourse you advocate.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
04/06/2007 12:14 am  

Might I request you start...
Might I request you start several threads about...
design process, philosophy, manufacture, distribution, sales, consumption, or history and give us a chance to do better.
great idea from mr. Wilson !!!!! but i feel that the beloved is being a little to critical
to the rest of us . I am sure you are pointing the finger at me but that is ok with me. This is not the Yale school of Architecture or the Harvard school of Design . This forum is for everyone ( so i thought ) Many people love modern furniture
and sveral people have been burned by crooked internet bandits . If they can post or vent there anger how they got ripped off i am all for them and we can help them at least my showing support and not buying from these crooks.
I recived a nice email yesterday from a man in Cananda thanking me for recomending a honest furniture store on the internet who sells first rate
reproductions . That letter makes my day . seeing that someone did not getted ripped off .
I can appreciate that you (the beloved) get off with a serious discusion of the merits of 20th century design , but take a lesson from DC Wilson who only wants to know more information and is not afraid to ask. even if it may not seem right . I think too many of us on this forum take things a little to serious . there are some excellent scholars out ther that write beautiful, there discusions would go good in any coffee house, or at forum of higher design.
yes rudeness is not good... and i for one have more than likely shot back when i was dumbed on by someone who did not get the facts correct,
no one likes that , I read every thread some i have no business responding to cause i just can't make a contribution, that is worth while.
but I sure no my stuff about fake furniture and have made a science of it . so if that is boasting that is great ..I hope i can help each and every person out there that is wanting to buy something that is repoduced .. I make nothing on it , No self dealing or money coming back to me through kickbacks.. I just don't like to see innocent hardworking people ripped off just cause they want design furniture for a good price . and if this forum can save that from happening it is as important as some of the other topics that are geared to a few select graduate level people.
If that is boasting point the finger at me as all i ma trying to do is be a expert in the field of Bad reproductions and who to avoid!!!!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 6456
04/06/2007 6:54 am  

I may have
missed something, but I thought we were doing fairly well !
I'm certainly glad I mostly missed the "bitchy period" of a few years back. (Patrick and Alix must have been mortified, as my grandmother would have said). We've been so creative, it seems. Or is that just an illusion ?

Trusted Member
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Posts: 58
04/06/2007 10:58 am  

Can't Leash Conversation
I agree with you that personal attacks, cursing, etc has no room here, but to knock the exchange of information or bargain hunting for reproductions is absurd.
Not everyone here can afford those originals and we're not going to just sit and accept Ikea furniture for the rest of our lives too. People want designs, as well as a designer label. For furniture, it's not as big of a deal as clothes, and other stuff.
Have you bought a reproduction? Some reproductions are actually very tastefully and craftfully done. If that makes sense. I've bought from all of the reproduction retailers, I found my favorite at Paradigm Gallery ( and I'm sticking to them until I can go on a 10k shopping spree at DWR for 2 chairs. Let me think 2 chairs at DWR for 10k, or like a whole housefull of stuff at Paradigm.
No brainer. I think we should just let conversation be free and if anyone is out of line with assaults, then we have to check that

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 472
04/06/2007 1:03 pm  

This forum...
This forum is great, Sorry your unhappy. To everyone else, thanks for the fun place.
Santa Cruz, CA USA

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 431
04/06/2007 1:39 pm  

I agree...
Its a great place to have a chat about things. We cant all agree all the time but thats the fun.

Noble Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 229
04/06/2007 6:05 pm  

The forum has...
The forum has always been through fluctuations in the quality of the posts. It depends on several factors like the interest of the thread or the appearance of new posters who sometimes need a little time to adapt to the usual courtesy of the forum. For the moment, the quality is rather good. A thread like the 'Design Addict vase' is even an example of a most constructive exchange that can be done through this type of medium.
It is true that we sometimes get tired of threads relative to reproductions because they are very repetitive. It would be great if new posters would make a research in the huge quantity of information already available in the forum before starting again a new discussion about this topic.
On a purely personal basis, we are opposed to reproductions. If you cannot buy the original, encourage young creation and buy tomorrow's classics. There are solutions for all budgets in the plethoric offer of the contemporary production! Our position should not prevent the freedom of expression on the forum. But on the other hand, we insist that you avoid promoting online shops on the forum! Advertising is present enough on the Internet, we think it is necessary to preserve discussions spaces without commercial ulterior motives.
Thank you all for making this forum a pleasant and educational exchange place.

Modern Love
Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 947
04/06/2007 10:21 pm  

Right on the money
Perfectly put.
LRF, I was NOT pointing the finger at you, I apologize if you thought that.
Turbo11, I am in total agreement with you, please don't think otherwise. Note that I wrote: "politely encourage people to support original design and licenced manufacturers when possible". It was the recent barrage of repetitive reproduction posts that annoyed me, the "search in forum" box seems to have been ignored as of late.
Vivienne and James, your posts are some of what I enjoy the most on this forum (Vivienne's exchange with girlygirl, with restraint and composure, very nice).
Vivienne, I agree that the differences in opinion make this forum fun. The difference is, you handle a difference in opinion with good nature and composure. There just have been several recent threads where some have reacted to differences in opinion with name calling, cursing, and personal attacks, which are not fun, and discourages new users and new contributions. But to paraphrase Patrick and Alix, new posters sometimes need a little time to adapt to the usual courtesy of the forum.
I am happy again.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1874
04/06/2007 10:44 pm  

Thank you Alix & Patrick
For providing such a space. It is a fun, educational, and stimulating place to visit and contribute to. However, I must agree with The Beloved that it seems lately to be overwhelmed by commercial repro promotion as well as a certain snarkiness and sniping. Both are unfortunate inevitabilities of the internet. 🙁
The solution for the sniping is simply to remember that the written word doesnt translate the complete feelings of a comment: something may be meant jokingly, but come across in type as being mean or sarcastic. Also - the main purpose of this forum is to advance the understanding and dialog of design. If an idea is challenged resist the urge to take it personally. Take a few minutes and compose a response, but wait a few more moments before hitting the post button - we've all learned the hard way that these comments cannot be edited 😀
Alix and Patrick, perhaps it would be possible to post a welcome/disclaimer to the forum? Something that states a few ground rules, or simply directs newcomers to the search function before posting superfluous or repetitious comments?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 431
05/06/2007 1:36 am  

Thank you Beloved..
i always try to work out in my feeble mind a decent response but im afraid like a few others i sometimes set off on my keyboard before putting my brain into gear. I love this forum! its like one big global design family.Oh and yes James and the other boys DC & Koen are soooo witty and fun.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
05/06/2007 2:26 am  

Thanks turbo 11 I appreciate your comments i am sure everyone else
looking for good guality design furniture does too, .
I am always searching for the best places to buy so i can report back to the people who really want great quality furniture and don't have to worry that they are getting ripped off by Internet crooks .

Trusted Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 58
05/06/2007 4:17 am  

I've fallen in love with this forum, but as the nature of humans, when you find a luxury item, which modern classic are IMO, you naturally look for lower cost alternatives.
It's part of the buying process. I'd like to see this site have more tips for people who want ideas for their rooms, etc. Similar to Apartment Therapy

Eminent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 33
05/06/2007 11:13 am  

You are probably...
You are probably disappointed by persons such as myself, who have no formal design training, but who are in love with designs by people such as Pierre Paulin. I wish that I could contribute more, but I did post a link to this tea kettle:

Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 902
05/06/2007 11:53 am  

it is civility, not knowlege
that should count here. i sat and read posts here for a very long time before i ever considered a post. i was very taken aback by some of the comments posted in different threads. when i post i am searching for knowelege or information or offering some. this implies that if i am fortunate, someone will correct me. however there is a large difference between being corrected with a tone of superiority or indignation and without it. it doesn seem to work in a printed forum like this to be heated like i might be with a friend in person. lastly i try to look at what is worth getting heated about in my life. war mongering and profiteering? absolutely. design? not so much. and make no mistake, im very passionate about design. its just that on a scale of large life issues it doesnt seem worth breaking a strict code of civility.

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