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What can I do to br...

What can I do to bring this room together?  

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01/03/2006 11:20 pm  

ok, i am only 20 years old and I am putting together my first house. In the TV room, I splurged and picked up a lipstick red microfiber "theatre seating-ish" couch/loveseat/chair combo with wedges and all. In this room so far is a 62 inch lcd tv and that is all. What kind of other furniture would go with this? IE coffee table, wall art, other art. I'm VERY new to decorating but I want to pull this red couch off well. Room is carpeted by the way.

Illustrious Member
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02/03/2006 1:49 am  

Sell theTV

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02/03/2006 4:56 am  

any intelligent responses?
any intelligent responses?

Illustrious Member
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02/03/2006 5:17 am  

Well, for one I don't agree...
Well, for one I don't agree that you should sell your TV. Televisions are a normal part of life for most people. I think good design means solving problems. The problem most design enthusiasts have with televisions is that they are not especially attractive. So, perhaps with a well designed room you can integrate your television in a tasteful manner.
I for one have been getting tired of designing my home based on aesthetics only. I have become more interested in creating a home that balances my desire for good design and the way I live my daily life. I plan on moving my television back into my living room soon. I am having a custom piece of storage furniture built to conceal it. Perhaps there is a better way, but this is the way I have chosen.
As for the kind of furniture you should get ... this is a very open ended question. Perhaps that is why you got such an unhelpful answer. MY answer is this. Get what you like, what you can afford, and what truly suits your aesthetic and comfort needs. Don't get anything to impress anyone here on these boards, your friends, etc. Shop like there's nobody watching.

Illustrious Member
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02/03/2006 5:56 am  


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02/03/2006 7:23 am  

i know all of this, my main...
i know all of this, my main question is, do you know of any good coffee tables, lamps, art, or objects that would pull a room together with a very vibrant red couch. preferably something unexpensive. I'm not trying to impress anyone persay, but I am trying to make this room look nice to me, as well as other people.

Illustrious Member
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02/03/2006 7:56 am  

I'm sorry it is just a...
I'm sorry it is just a strange question to me. There are many things that would match a red couch ... the fact that you have a red couch isn't enough to go on.
I don't know the shape of your sofa, but Blu Dot makes a simple, inexpensive wooden coffee table. It is nice for TV rooms because it has a compartment to hold small items like remote controls and magazines. Most of my favorite tables (nelson bench, schultz petal, Noguchi) aren't specifically made for this. Blu Dot tables are not my favorite in terms of design but they are simple and useful.
As far as chairs I would try to get at least one with head support. You can find lesser known names and unknown danish type designs on ebay relatively easy. If you want to splurge then a few of my favorites that are easy to find and still in production are the Womb chair by Saarinen for Knoll, the Eames lounge and ottoman, the Bird chair by Bertoia, and the Grasshopper by Saarinen (now manufactured by Modernica). An affordable classic that I like is the Butterfly chair ... does anyone know who manufactures a quality reproduction now? Knoll?
If this doesn't help I would suggest getting a few modern interior design books .... for my tastes classic modern.

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02/03/2006 4:21 pm  

Input does not compute
As whitespike said: it depends. I mean, I could list all the things that I think are nice, but then it would be my flat and not yours.
Suggestions depend on what colours you have on the walls. My living room looks like this:
1 white IKEA sofa, and I've got a bright burgundy red stereobench that stands beneath my wall mounted widescreen TV. The colour of the TV-wall is a wet sand gray, and the colours on the three other walls is a whitegraybeige that doesn't swallow my sofa. I've also have a set of cherrywood bookshelves (also IKEA). Ie, I've got no special designer furniture in my flat, if you discount the fact that I've thought my living room through so you could say I've designed the whole thing.
But if you put what I listed in your living room, it would be my flat and not yours. Not knowing your tastes (except they seem a bit on the extravagant side, with that red sofa), I really couldn't say anything intelligent.
It's really up to you, and what you like.

Illustrious Member
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02/03/2006 6:14 pm  

I'm sorry I confused you,
Selling the TV WAS an intelligent response. A 62 inch TV is SO huge that nothing else in the room is going to be noticable. With a TV this big the room is about watching it, period. So why bother with adding interesting furniture at all? None of it will matter with the giant monolith looming over everything. So if you want an interesting room, sell the TV. Otherwise jut buy more theater-ish stuff and call it a day.

James Collins
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02/03/2006 10:46 pm  

Can I come over to watch?
The flat screen TV has become the fireplace or the grand piano of the 21st century. It's the focus of the modern room for many, many people. But that's beside the point, I too had to design my LR around a large VERY red sofa (sectional) and I'll share a couple of techniques I used. 1) let it be the star (along with the TV) and don't put a bunch of other red stuff in the room. Use upholstery on other pieces close to the wall color to let them fade into the general space. Get glass top coffee or end tables or fairly light colored wood of simple, clean style. 2) Use some unsaturated, cool colors to balance the red in your rugs and other pieces and make those other colors a consistent theme throughout.

Illustrious Member
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03/03/2006 2:26 am  

You know I really didn't...
You know I really didn't catch the size of the TV the first round. I would sell a TV that large. I use a 27 inch. That is even a tad big to me.

Illustrious Member
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03/03/2006 2:48 am  

Exactly my point
Sad to think that the TV has become the fireplace/grand piano of the 21st century, especially when reality TV and sports is what most Americans watch. Sad sad sad. I think I'll go read a book... remember those?

Illustrious Member
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03/03/2006 3:30 am  

There are a few TV shows I...
There are a few TV shows I like to watch ... if nothing more than to empty my mind from the day. It's that or stare at the wall. Besides that I love to use them for movies.

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03/03/2006 3:52 am  

its obvious that I want the...
its obvious that I want the big TV or else I wouldnt have bought it, we play a lot of multiplayer games and watch a lot of movies. I really like the glass table with lightwood suggestion, I think that is a go. I'm still having trouble with what else to put in the room, because there still has to be SOME red in other parts of the room to pull of the couch, at least in my mind.

Illustrious Member
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03/03/2006 4:07 am  

I don't think there has to...
I don't think there has to be other reds. Having a couch in red is a lot of red to begin with. It matches itself.
I would go for neutrals perhaps. Let that be the only thing with a bang.

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