Design Addict


What I love about D...

What I love about Design Addict  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2201
05/12/2009 10:08 pm  

I'm going to go out on a limb and probably will get smacked by a couple of folks here, but never-the-less, I want to say this.

I love DA. It allows me to see and read how people all over the plant interpret good design in their lives. I get to 'listen in' on discussions about the art and profession of design by folks I truly admire. I can watch the design process unfold as folks talk through a particular design issue. I get to toss my 2 cents in when I actually know what I am talking about and when I have no clue and just want to participate. I learn things about new products, new ideas and classics.

What this place is to me is a collection of knowledge that is tremendous in it's depth. It's a veritable brain trust! It's also a repository of curiosity and compendium of curators. The creativity and ingenuity of the tribe here constantly delights me.

But I also have thoughts about what DA is not. To me, it is NOT a place you come to show off your cleverness or design sense or good taste. To me, you should not come here for compliments or praise on how delightful your home or stuff is.

To my way of thinking, you should come here to share what you have created, fully expecting discussion on what you have found or built or bought. If you get positive feedback, feel good, be happy. But if you don't, still feel good. You can learn from the broad range of input you will get or you can just see what others think and enjoy what you have for yourself. Your surroundings are always, first and foremost, for your own happiness.

Getting approval is not the point. Sharing, learning, discussing and debating is what this place is about! At least to my way of thinking. I hope others feel the same, because I fully plan on continuing to say what I truly think.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 4318
05/12/2009 10:14 pm  

Sounds good
To me!

Famed Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 398
05/12/2009 10:46 pm  

Well put Olive!
I agree.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 627
06/12/2009 12:28 am  

I'm with you, sister!
Should a particular design posted within a thread be off limits to criticism because the poster happens to own it? What's the point of that exercise, exactly?
If you want fawning, obligatory compliments for your possessions then invite the girls over for a game of Mahjong, they'll undoubtedly LOVE what you've done with the place. Just don't forget to feed 'em, and liberally refill their glasses. All games have their rules.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
06/12/2009 12:34 am  

I couldn't agree more. What's...
I couldn't agree more. What's the point of discussion design without critique?


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