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We can redo the Ea...

We can redo the Eames shells  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 522
29/08/2007 3:26 am  

Robin, I know you didn't me i...
Robin, I know you didn't me in particular but still I wouldn't dream about judging LRF by his personality. I mean, you can't be a complete idiot AND have such a nice, talented wife, I'm sure 😉 I don't even know LRF well enough to perhaps attack his personality and I don't read enough of the DA threads to know what he's about generally.
But I do think that just the title of LRF's thread and the occasional casually mentioned price says everything about his intention with his "anecdotes", And I'm really not a big fan of people having double standards as robert1960's link clearly points out that LRF has in this case.
I don't mind that people advertise their buisness but please do it in the ads section then. And please keep your intentions clear otherwise it will definitely backfire as you see now. If you really tried to be helpful and tell people about innovative ideas that they could do with their chairs, then you failed to present your point properly and keep your intention easily understandable. I mean, clearly none of us got the point then.
But I still believe you have another agenda than sharing stories from work, LRF. And that is to spread the word about your company and to some extent your shop's prices/capabilities - free of charge - and hopefully sell something. It would suit you better to just admit it, LRF. We're on to you 😉

Illustrious Member
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29/08/2007 3:53 am  

Robin Thanks
Robin thanks for saying the nice words , while others like M Anderson are enjoying jumping on me.
You can think what ever you want. i don't need to hawk my work or look for new work especially in Brussels, Denmark,London, or Sweeden, it is just cost prohibitive.
My intentions are to share the ideas that i have experienced in 25 years collecting modern furniture, and restoreing it , I have many thank me on this forum check the archives.
i guess you don't read those cause you seem like you enjoy thriving on the negative in people.
and enjoy siding with others and enjoy kicking people when they are beat down.
I don't know you just like you don't know me, People like Robin are good people cause they look for the good in People, If i have been rude or arrogant to anyone. I am sorry that is not my intention, I strive for perfection, sorry that it does not always shine through ,
I am also sorry about the dyslexia i have tried to overcome it, sometimes i do, sometimes i don't.
I know some enjoy knocking it, but i bet those are the same ones that get mad at the people in Wheel Chairs cause they are the ones that get the good parking places .

Reputable Member
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29/08/2007 4:58 am  

I'm sorry Martin
I did not intend to give LRF the feeling that he has my support to freely attack others. To put it in terms that a Texan might understand; you may have the right to bear arms but that does not give you right to gun down everyone that disagrees with you. I'm going to duck now!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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29/08/2007 5:40 am  

M_Anderson said....
If you really tried to be helpful and tell people about innovative ideas that they could do with their chairs, then you failed to present your point properly and keep your intention easily understandable. I mean, clearly none of us got the point then. .....You are 100 percent right on that one. M_Anderson ....
Robert 1960 could not wait to jump on me cause he thought that i was hawking my business , cause i told someone this was the wrong forum to advertise their Selig chair in. and he referenced it in the Archive,
IF Robert would have read the whole thread it stated that i was excited about being able to paint the Eames Bucket chair something that i have never been able to do. cause every one has always said it looks like crap, don't do it . you will mess up the fiberglass,
I had the time and the motive to try one cause a shell got smashed and before the dumpster why not try it,
I was so shocked that it worked and was really easy only taking around 1.5 hours , i was excited to tell everyone that it can be done, and really not that expensive. but Robert 1960 made it his business to tell the Design addict forum that i have a double standard, witch is very far the truth, If i did advertise in this forum would I have put up a Neon sign to let the world know we can Now paint your shells.....yea right what a better way to tell some one . I am sure DCWilson who always comes up with good ideas or HP from Australia when he was working on bending stainless steel last month could not wait to share his ideas with everyone and Koen even got in the pool, or Whitespike who always has good ideas, along with James Collins contributions ,
I have suffered through many threads some great some not good at all, and rather dumb, but i have tried to help people from getting ripped off by bad people selling crappy furniture and heading them in the right direction,
I helped a total stranger on design addict get a LCW chair at my designer cost from Herman Miller just cause he seemed like a nice person and He said those chairs retail at a ridiculous price I personally feel any one person who has read my threads in the last year has hopefully learned something about mid-century modern furniture .I have tried to convey that i have years and years of experience, dealing with this, and i hope some of my knowledge would have been helpful to someone , I am sure someone will comment pity ... "self serving" for that I say what ever

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 1874
29/08/2007 7:00 am  

19 out of 24
19 out of 24 posts with the phrase "retroredo" are by LRF according to the search engine.
11 out of 15 posts with LRF's website are posted by LRF.
Clearly self promotion...BUT:
LRF - I think what you should do is look at the above posts not as personal attacks, but as suggestions in which you can improve. No one of us thinks we are perfect, but in your own words: We are all smarter together (maybe I'm paraphrasing)
When someone on the forum critiques you - its helpful to step back and think about what the person is really saying - not just what's written on the page. The initial post was in response to a double standard - you attacked a guy for posting his business and got caught doing the same. An appropriate response would have been "oops...guess I am overdoing it"
And when Alix and Patrick make you a business offer, be a business person and realize the benefit that you are reaping by having this global forum at your fingertips. Even if you have to pay a fee for an advert here you're still reaching a HUGE audience. Biting the hand that feeds you in such a rude and arrogant way really should be beneath someone of your intelligence.
And before you turn around and sink your teeth into me, please note: I think your voice on this forum is often rude and aggressive and sadly overshadows many of the things you bring - but I do respect the work that you do.

Illustrious Member
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29/08/2007 7:10 am  

Chalk it up to a modern magni...
Chalk it up to a modern magnified mishandled myoptic misunderstanding minus malice, murder,mayhem and marketing of mended marshmallows, more or less..Move on.

Illustrious Member
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29/08/2007 7:13 am  

thanks for the kind words

Illustrious Member
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29/08/2007 7:35 am  

The next time that I need to tell some one some helpful truth in a way that helps them and does not injure them, I'm emaiing you for advice. Your are artful at it. I think you may have preserved a worthy contributor to the board and made things a bit more civil in the process. Thank you.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 522
29/08/2007 1:48 pm  

I don't enjoy jumping on you,...
I don't enjoy jumping on you, LRF. It's just that you wrote you had no idea what my problem was, so I thought I'll explain it to you rather than ignore you. Anyway, should we move on? I was actually VERY close to once buy one of you redone Eames side shells on eBay, LRF. It was made in both red and black vinyl, an interesting colour combination, and would have looked great at home in my own little Pop Art universe. I think you also listed an armshell with the arms in yellow vinyl and the seat/back in blue vinyl. Very cool. But at the time I didn't have enough experience on eBay to dare buying from the US. Though I've actually never forgotten those two chairs, they looked so fresh 🙂

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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29/08/2007 10:10 pm  

thanks for the kind world

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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29/08/2007 10:12 pm  

thats kind word, not world. the world ain't so kind.

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