Although the Arne Jacobsen...
Although the Arne Jacobsen "Spitfire" version of the Swan chair was similarly reviled here, it seems to have found a market, since the manufacturers have expanded the line to include an egg chair version, as well as Swan chairs with a shearling wool bomber jacket motif.
Gawd what
I have to assume that, with that many models, each of the photos is a computer-drawn render and not an actual prototype. I guess you can draw just about anything. We're living in a virtual world . . . a fantasy of endless spending and consuming, aided and abetted by gaming technology. Ugh.
I doubt it in that case (looks like the background has been photoshopped though) there are a few 'photo or fake' sites around that test the eye.
Some things are hard to model or the modeler is too entranced with the perfection of the results to bother with things like smudges, fingerprints, scratches and ragged edges. Some things like stitching and crumpling use so much computing power that theyre not worth the trouble, a crumpled handkerchief can have more geometry to calculate in it than an entire building.
Did you read the blurbs? Wincemeat, it was excruciating. A lot of it looks like that cheap leather that is basically just polyurethaned and then 'distressed'.
The sort of steam punk thing they are trying for isn't all bad by any means but if they are buying Chinese copies and then quickly reupholstering them with cheap or found materials (which is what I suspect they are doing) then their production costs wouldn't be that high, just look at the quality of the stitching on the Swan, done quickly with little regard for accuracy but much for romantic affect.
Don't worry about the lack of connection with reality SDR, pendulums always swing back.
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