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Vitra minitures - p...

Vitra minitures - pretentious crap?  

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Illustrious Member
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19/03/2008 12:43 am  

"Fonzie rides a motorcycle, but he also likes girls," one subject said. "I don't get it."

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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19/03/2008 9:10 pm  

Cultural Elitism
I think it's safe to assume that production costs are very low. Profit margins HUGE.
Exorbitantly high prices can reflect a form of cultural elitism (pretentiousness). Much like long lines at voting stations can reflect a form of voter suppression (political elitism). Yet many willingly accept, and carry on. Are we or have we become a pacified society regardless of social standing?
I don't challenge Vitras enormous contribution to the Arts and to humanity at large, which I deeply admire and celebrate. I do question the lofty prices required to "participate". Is it always necessary? Sometimes? Never?

Illustrious Member
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19/03/2008 10:14 pm  

If you had actually bothered to read the threads before blindly posting you'd notice that I own a set of the little plastic Japanese miniatures. While I wouldnt have bought them for myself, I was raised with enough manners not to raise my nose at a gift. Personally, I wouldnt really own any miniatures if I could help it - more stuff to dust on cleaning day.
That being said, I dont think judging people based on what they can and cannot afford to spend money on is fair or right. We've all got our idiosyncrasies.

Illustrious Member
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19/03/2008 10:28 pm  

no need to be mean spirited it is only a forum

Noble Member
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19/03/2008 10:47 pm  

I think these amount to...
I think these amount to sculpture for some folks -- designers or architects in particulaur. This is what they dig looking at. Where is the pleasure in ridiculing someone for that? It's not that much removed from any other type of scale model when you think about it.
Now -- what I do find spooky and expensive and contemptible is when folks tattoo something, like say, the Eames Lounger, on their bodies. (pause for shudder) That's enough to drive anyone to warehouse furniture.

Illustrious Member
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19/03/2008 10:47 pm  

I dont like you either. But I certainly don't go out of my way to make personal attacks against you despite your giving me plenty of ammunition to do so. I argue about design, thats what the forum is here for. It is a place for ideas and discussion - not name calling or passing judgement.

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19/03/2008 10:54 pm  

'LuciferSum I just plain do...
'LuciferSum I just plain do not like you!!!!!
If i say day you say night
Thank g-d I do not have to play with you. go cry somewhere else, and grow up '
LRF, now might be a good opportunity to take notice of the 'edit' function.

Noble Member
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19/03/2008 11:44 pm  

chemical reactions
Pfaww! Who're you two trying to kid? -- you two were made for one another! LRF, the passionate/hotheaded Baron who beats his chest to a pulp, and Lucifer, the troubadour of restraint and reason. Both a couple of good eggs with good ideas.
Just be nice, you two.

Robert Leach
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20/03/2008 12:15 am  

Like lucifersum
Like Lucifersum, I don't think this is a place for personal attacks.....
I've been subjected to them here too, but maintain it is a peurile attitude to attack those that don't hold the same views as oneself
Discussion is healthy.

Estimable Member
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20/03/2008 12:19 am  

Any chance that everyone...
Any chance that everyone puts their toys back in the pram and we stay on topic?
it's boring to read to say the least - start your own thread for your petty squabling.

Trusted Member
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20/03/2008 12:42 am  

Scale baby
I too shun the Vitra miniatures and their prices, but I do like playing with scale.
When I found a miniature version of my Casalino kid's chair listed as "doll's house chair", I was happy to pay the small amount and have the bugger shipped over from Germany.
Then again it's a genuine vintage non-vitra item of course *cough*

Noble Member
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20/03/2008 1:01 am  

it's boring to read to say...
it's boring to read to say the least - start your own thread for your petty squabling...
Maybe not a bad idea.
True, ad honimen attacks do not serve to elevate this or any forum, but these salvos of spitballs are so comical at times that I often find it entertaining -- in spite of myself. It certainly beats some of the passive aggressive bitchiness that crops up here from time to time -- like inferring what an out-of-touch jerk someone is for buying a scale model of a chair.

Illustrious Member
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20/03/2008 1:42 am  

I know this may be a bit late, but will you be my Valentine? You and me could have a lot of fun (in a sincerely platonic sort of a way... my boyfriend might object otherwise)

Illustrious Member
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20/03/2008 3:17 am  

LRF, the passionate/hotheaded Baron who beats his chest to a pulp,
you got that right,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
got to spice up this thing sometimes gets a little boring and dull, debating the world of miniatures
I never attacked you lucifersum check the daily record i think it was you who did the attack and if you did attack me no big deal.... I can take it
my skin is like a alligator. you can call me anything you want, feel free,
one more thing lucifersum that you said
That being said, I dont think judging people based on what they can and cannot afford to spend money on is fair or right.
where did you get this bull crap i never said this or implied this to any one, wrong guy wrong planet wrong time,

Noble Member
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20/03/2008 3:31 am  

(blush!) If it were to...
(blush!) If it were to involve something comprised of red construction paper and a doily, then I'm on-board for that.

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