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Update on Olive and...

Update on Olive and the Eames Shell Chairs  

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Famed Member
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29/05/2008 10:15 am  

Sorry for the false-advertisement
W-H-C is one of many screen names I've used over the years, I chose it arbitrarily the first time I registered here-- posting a question about some Knoll chairs-- and it naturally stuck.
Since my gender isn't especially pertinent in a forum such as this (as opposed to, say, a dating site-), it only became an issue today, with my ill-conceived parody.
Again-- apologies, Olive! Believe me, I wrote my "memo" with intent to mock Stephen's remarks (note my reference to a "loutish clod"). My sympathies are with you (& every other female who's ever had to suffer smarmy compliments and rude catcalls).

Noble Member
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29/05/2008 12:17 pm  

Just as Eddie...
Just as Eddie Murphy's recent box office exploitations (Norbit, etc.) aren't representative of the breadth of the American comedy scene, neither are Benny Hill and his ilk representative of the UK's. Don't denounce it so strongly if you're not familiar with it, my man. There's plenty of brilliant comedy coming from the UK (in the last 10 years, "Peep Show", "the Office", "In the Thick of It" and "Brass Eye" spring immediately to mind).
To say that Americans have lost their senses of humor since 9/11 is ridiculous and shows that you really aren't very familiar with this country or it's people at all. Unless that statement was a joke, of course, in which case, ha ha ha ha ha.
Seriously though, if your comments are intended to be comedic, all I'm going to say is "know your audience" -- actually I'm going to say more. Review your comments. Think about whether they're actually funny or if they're just random and different (which grows tiresome). Are you actually smiling and chuckling as you type these things? If your sense of humor is as brilliant as you claim, then SHOW us instead of criticizing us for our sorely deficient American senses of humor. That's a cop-out. We've got a wide range of people her with varying comedic tastes and if you're not striking a chord with any of us, the safe bet is that problem lies on the supply end. If you want to be the weird funny guy that keeps us laughing, you've got to earn it.

Illustrious Member
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29/05/2008 12:36 pm  

When are people going to realize that the United States is now a mixture of people from all around the world. I think we do well with all the cultures, races, and religions. Don't be mean to us, we are unique and having a bit of trouble right now!

Noble Member
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29/05/2008 12:46 pm  

I apologise
I have reviewed my comments and now realise that referring to somebody as "the thinking man's Cameron Diaz" is insulting and offensive in the extreme. In fact, it's quite a disgraceful thing to say about somebody. Nobody on this forum should have to put up with abuse like that. I'm sorry.

Noble Member
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29/05/2008 1:45 pm  

Oh Stephen...sarcasm is the...
Oh Stephen...sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, you know. If you want to be loved on this board for your sparkling wit (and get some chairs posted your way, etc.) you're going to need to try much, much harder. Let's see that cleverness, Stephen. Show us how you're the laughing man's Cameron Diaz.

Noble Member
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29/05/2008 3:56 pm  

brbeard, I'm actually the thinking man's anne coulter.

Illustrious Member
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29/05/2008 4:58 pm  

I go off the grid for a few...
I go off the grid for a few weeks, and return to this mess?
No good deed goes unpunished? (i've always disliked that line)
But proven once again...
A sweet discovery to save some chairs...and share the beauty...
(and frankly a pain in the butt to pack and deliver)
Olive kept her sense of humor much longer than i would have.
Being tickled, poked, and prodded to the point of annoyance and insult
is unacceptable behavior.
Not sure where the border and nationality issue fits in. Doesn't make sense.
'Thinking man' should think a little harder, or just think.
Some men have used that behavior to get what they want for centuries, never works.
In any culture...
w-h-c, i read your comment as you stated. The written word is often misunderstood...
I recently found 200 emeco chairs and hundreds of other fine stakables. I kept 6 and gave the rest
away. I took in the 1000chair book and the DWR catalog to show and educate. Some co-workers
now wish they had taken more...
(a defunct insane asylum in NJ. Once housed 1500 patients, now just 50 and relocated)
Empty hospitals, warehouses, and office buildings all over the tri-state area full of great
mcm pieces destined for the landfill...
btw, the emeco is a strong beauty of a chair but another 75 were heaped outside in a twisted
mess. They don't hold up well to being tossed or as weapon!
Another empty hospital in Bklyn, East NY, still standing but soon to be demolished is full of
steelcase and a few shells, the three bench style. Possibly more. I never did find a cafeteria.
Three floors underground including the morgue. (fantastic stainless cabinets)
I couldn't get past the goo and dried blood everywhere, and cellphone service was getting cut off,
so i passed most of it up. (i'll call a few dealers in williamsburg bklyn so that recycling happens.
I'm sure their rents have gone sky-high recently and could use a few tips)
The moral of this story? When you pass an empty building built in the 50's to the 70's, have a chat
with the security guard and give the owner a call. Less dumpster $dollars helps them out...
And just appreciate someone attempting to give a new home to a classic design destined for
the garbage.

Reputable Member
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29/05/2008 8:27 pm  

cameron diaz has really bad skin.
can we start a new thread for the shells?

Noble Member
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29/05/2008 10:36 pm  

Well done 🙂

Illustrious Member
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30/05/2008 2:36 am  

Jaysus in a sandwich! This is nuts!
Hopefully I can lay this all to rest...
Stephen, if ALL you said was that I was the "thinking man's Cameron Diaz", (whatever the heck that was supposed to mean) we never would have had a problem. If you had toned down the commentary after the first time I politely asked for it to stop, we also would not have had a problem. Oh but no, you had to drag it out, blow it up and continue beating the snot out of me over my justifiable indignation, just cuz you thought I should be amused by it all. I may be humorless and 'boring', but you're just plain mean. However, since you are Autralian, I guess you're to be forgiven. Just don't expect any chairs. That, by the by, was humor, but you still don't get any chairs.
W-H-C...sorry I'm a pretty literal type...there was no smiley 😉 so I took the words at face value. Thanks for your support!
For all you other folks who really just want chairs and not a tedious discussion of cultural humor differences, my apologies. Both hubby and I are fighting a nasty cold at the moment are are too loaded up with decongestants antibiotics and Nyquil to take any pictures. I will start a new thread once I have done some documenting.

Illustrious Member
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30/05/2008 11:27 am  

No Australians were harmed in the writing of this post......Well, maybe Stephen. 😉

Illustrious Member
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30/05/2008 8:19 pm  

like the mob ...
like the mob says.......... Forget about it !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Illustrious Member
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31/05/2008 2:50 am  

LRF- I believe the correct Sopranos "Jersey-ese" is...
"Fuggedaboudit!" :^)

Illustrious Member
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31/05/2008 3:28 am  

..sorry for the wrong mispr...
..sorry for the wrong mispronunciation of a very important term,

Big Television Man
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31/05/2008 5:34 am  

Looks like we are back
to being one big happy disfunctional family. We put the "fun" in disfunctional

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