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Update on Olive and...

Update on Olive and the Eames Shell Chairs  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago
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27/05/2008 10:33 pm  

I to agree with Olive your comments just keep getting creepier and creepier ,
Olive seems like a nice person and does not need to be analyzed by you of all people,
nice that you say she is the thinking mans Cameron Diaz if you were BEST Buds with her,
but from what i read this is not the case.

Noble Member
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28/05/2008 5:31 am  

I found this attitude at University
The rise of Liberalism is inversely related to the decline in sense of humour. Discuss.
The days of giving a woman a compliment are long gone. Soon we'll see be seeing those men on building sites who whistle passing females, locked up for their indiscretions.

New Member
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28/05/2008 6:26 am  

Hi, still have stock?
I am interested in yellow shells, please contact me.

Famed Member
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28/05/2008 7:37 pm  

Memo to Olive
Next time a loutish clod deigns to appraise your sex-appeal, please be a little MORE grateful & amused, and a little LESS American. Thanks, in advance--

Eminent Member
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28/05/2008 9:21 pm  

When did racism become acceptable as long as Americans are targets?
Sorry Guys, I'm British, with half-American grandchildren, and they are a lot of things I hate about the ultra -materialist American way of life - probably many of the same things that Olive does.
However it is racist and simply not acceptable to assume opinions or sets of values for anyone just because they are American, or indeed any other nationality. And it's sexist to think that women ought to be grateful for, or think amusing, unsolicited and unwanted "compliments"
Not funny and not clever!

Big Television Man
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28/05/2008 9:50 pm  

Wow! So that's how it is, even here on the DA forum>
If anyone is put off by someone's comments we should be "less American" and a woman should be grateful that a man is paying her a compliment. And then to add to it by being compared to an opinion put forth by that bloviator Hughes, all I can say is WOW!
I truly thought it was bit more enlightened and erudite on the DA forum but perhaps not. It appears that our distinguished posters from "down under" are inclined to stereotype and lump a nation together as one. We're not all yahoos and I for one am counting the days until 1/20/09 when our and the world's eight year nightmare will come to an end.
I admire the moxie though on the post "Australia" to actually enquire as to when shipment might be forthcoming to Australia. Denigrate someone, (imagine if we referred to you as the thinking woman's "Crocodile Dundee) tell them to get over it when they take offense and then ask when you can get what you want shipped? Again, WOW!

Illustrious Member
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29/05/2008 12:01 am  

This is sad and more than a little ridiculous,
W-H-C and Stephen have no idea who or what I am as a person and yet, I am to them nothing more than "an American". Some sort of amalgam of a cowboy-hat-wearing, bible-carrying, zealously-patriotic, humor-less twit seems to be about their opinion. Guys, America is a really big place with many regional cultures.
I happen to have been raised in a very liberal open-minded part of the country and have spent a good part of my adult life working closely with groups of people who are not 'American'. I actually became rather good at negociating the differing cultural attitudes due to my flexibility and acceptance of difference. My being included in transcontinental working groups was something my colleagues asked for. One of the joys of being here on DA, since my career change, was to continue to interact with folks from other lands and cultures. I like the differences that we all have in viewpoint and in our pursuit of happiness.
However that being said, none of you have any right or knowledge with which to comment on me, physically. And to presume that I should be interested in, grateful for, amused by or tolerant of, unwanted remarks of this kind is absolutely ridiculous. It's inappropriate to this forum and just plain bad manners no matter what part of the world you were raised in.
Next subject...please!

Noble Member
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Posts: 279
29/05/2008 5:28 am  

Wow Olive, raised with all th...
Wow Olive, raised with all those different cultures? And you still didn't develop a sense of humour. That's the prolem with Americans, they have never had a sense of irony. That's whay they don't understand British humour.
For a forum community that is ALL ABOUT AESTHETICS, it surprises me that the appreciation of aesthetics stops when it comes to the human body. Specifically, Olive's human body.
Now, let's get back to discussing the foam in Eames Lounge Chairs.

Noble Member
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Posts: 279
29/05/2008 5:35 am  

And another thing
Let's get this into perspective. All I said was that Olive was the thinking man's Cameron Diaz. it was a joke, implying that if I flatter her, she might send me some chairs to Australia.
Jesus Christ (apologies to our Boble Belt readers), was that really so offensive?
I hardly think that it constitutes a creepy comment?
But hey, since 9/11 Americans have lost any semblance of a sense of humour.
No Olive, I don't think you wear a cowboy hat. I just think you are probably a very BORING person.

Illustrious Member
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29/05/2008 5:47 am  

wow hold on baby.
wow hold on baby.
I dont know Olive and do not know one thing about her, and really dont care to.
but give the gal a break, she don't have to be all riled up and accused of not having a sense of humor.
she says she is somewhat liberal, I am sure she is a fine lady, no one likes to be singled out for a bunch of foolish bull shit that someone thinks is funny and what they call British Humor
I don't think it is funny at all just obnoxious. , If I remember British Humor has men wearing dresses, with bad teeth , that is real funny,
As for America we have our problems but it is still the greatest place on This earth!!!!! NO SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Illustrious Member
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29/05/2008 7:19 am  

I have stopped posting lately...
I have stopped posting lately because to be blunt the quality hasn't been that high, after not reading anything for a few weeks on here I'm struck by the bickering or threads that go nowhere, its very tiresome.
Has anyone noticed that the forum is searchable and that that there are a hell of a lot more readers than posters? This is a resource we are helping to build, if I was new to the site I would be turned off immediately if I found this sort of garbage text, Stephen you are still contributing nothing of value, go away.
Lets all have some respect for P+A and what it is they are trying to achieve. Intelligence, interesting information, practical tips and tricks, advice for newbies and politeness can't be undervalued here.

Famed Member
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29/05/2008 7:22 am  

My post to you was intended as a parody of Stephen's remarks toward you! Apologies, guess I was being a bit too dry to be understood.
For the the record: I'm both female & American!

Illustrious Member
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29/05/2008 8:35 am  

female...... learn something new every day.
maybe i should change my screen name to Ava Gardner

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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29/05/2008 9:14 am  

Choo CHoo
What a train wreck...all over the tracks

Noble Member
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29/05/2008 10:01 am  

you have a lot to say for a boy from Dubbo.

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