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Update on Olive and...

Update on Olive and the Eames Shell Chairs  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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15/04/2008 2:26 am  

Ok Folks I'm back in MA. We were able to sell some of the chairs while in NM, so I'll be bringing home 31 of them now. I'm keeping 4 of the lovely orange ones and I have a friend who wants a mix of the colors. This will leave me with a bunch of all the colors I've got. We thought there were only two colors, Orange and Yellow, but upon closer inspection there are 4 colors. The above as well as a watermelon-ish Red and a greenish Tan. Both of these are also quite nice colors. I'll post some pix ASAP, they're still trapped in hubby's camera.

We'll have:

5 Yellow
7 Orange
5 Red
10 Tan

I have gotten them dated to 1977. One of the chairs still had all of its HM paper label on it. They have the "H" base and are really all in pretty decent shape. Scratches and such but no major damage.

The chairs will probably take about a month to reach me. They need disassembly, boxing and slow boat shipping to get to me. you have any sources for replacement feet? All of these need the nylon foot replaces on some of the legs. I wish you were right about making big bucks o nthese, but i will be happy to make a bit of profit and find good homes for classics that were headed for the landfill!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 572
15/04/2008 2:29 am  

Olive, I'd be interested in...
Olive, I'd be interested in some. Could you email me @ m8xed@yahoo . co . uk please? (obviously no gaps, just hate those dam spammers!)

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1874
15/04/2008 2:29 am  

I'd love a red! Replacement feet can be had on ebay by the bagful (approx. 10$ a bag last time I checked)
I would hold off on that part tho. LRF is right, most people will want them without the bases so they can slap a rocker, eiffel, or cats cradle on there.
Can you email me at Lucifersum at

Illustrious Member
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15/04/2008 2:41 am  

OK, then
I'm only getting the feet for my own self anyways. Personally, I can't for the life of me imagine wanting to change the bases. it's not a 'real' vintage piece if you tinker with it. I was brought up in the world of antiques and you don muckle about with finishes or swtiching parts or you ruin the provenance. But hey, I'm not going to keep 30 chairs just to keep folks from tampering with them.
Nick are you serious? You'd want them shipped to the UK?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
15/04/2008 2:43 am  

i can call herman miller ...
i can call herman miller i believe they still sell the white nylon feet for the H base, I think they sell them for 2 bucks a piece cost, in a bag of 12 for 24.00 of course i would not add any additional money for my friends on DA but i will get back with you and I would take 4 red if you want to sell or 2 or 2 red. as i have a large project, and can use those colors,
I will get back to you

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 572
15/04/2008 2:45 am  

Olive, pending on shipping...
Olive, pending on shipping costs, I would only want the shells (have eiffel bases here). If you could give me an idea how much 6-8 shells would cost that would be great.

Noble Member
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15/04/2008 2:46 am  

Hi Olive...
I'm interested...could you send me the details? webjunkie916 @ gmail . com

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
15/04/2008 2:49 am  

i also would not want the...
i also would not want the H base as the effiel to me is the best looking and for some reason i think that is what Charles really had in mind when he designed that chair,
I think the H base just reminds me of those awful days in high school when we would throw the chairs across the Gym, for the hell of it, it just reaks of Institution.
my opinion

Illustrious Member
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15/04/2008 2:53 am  

Thanks LRF...
And in case that avenue doesn't pan out...LuciferSum, apparently I'm dense, my ebay search for the feet has turned up nada...can you help me on that?
Nick, once I havethe chairs in hand I'll weigh them to give you that info. As for getting them to you. I'm not experienced with international shipping. I believe you'll need a freight forwarder, though. I don't think they can go Fed-X or the like, be too expensive, I'd think, even if they could. So if you can tell me where to send them in the states to get them routed to you, I'm happy to do that.
To all others, hang on a bit, I need to get them here first. But I have this thread to refer to.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
15/04/2008 2:55 am  

olive i call here to ...
olive i called here to see if they have the nylon feet she is calling Zealand to see if they are in stock
As you are more than aware these are real easy to ship . as i ship them all over the world. you can get as many as 4 real easy in one small box and ship for 20 bucks to Texas, 50 to California bigger box more shells, H box would make two boxs to Nick in England just shells around 65 US dollars, U.S. mail. or UPS
To Japan and Australia 100.00 US dollars,
Those are the rates i use when i ship.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 572
15/04/2008 3:13 am  

Cheers Lloyd, those figures...
Cheers Lloyd, those figures seem about right to me from my experience. Just give me an email Olive when they turn up and we'll try sort something out.
Thanks, Nick 🙂

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1874
15/04/2008 4:47 am  

Olive I may have blatantly lied to you. The only search on Ebay turned up a set of 4 for 17$. Sounds like Lloyd can get them for a heck of a lot cheaper.
PS. what color are the bases? Personally I'm happy with the H bases - I've got a mix of black & zinc at present. Most folks though, like Lloyd says, are in it for the more unusual bases (the cats cradle IS pretty!)
Nick - international shippings a pain in the ass - it can either be quick and expensive, or slow as death and slightly less expensive. You're looking at about a 250$(US) hit to get the chairs there (with enough packing to make sure they survive) When you get into international shipping its about size, not wieght. I'll dig through some of my old files and see what postage used to run.

Estimable Member
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15/04/2008 6:42 am  

any idea on how much you...
any idea on how much you will charge for two or four? im interested as well thanks.

Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 279
15/04/2008 7:26 am  

olive - you are gorgeous
Not only are you the thinking man's Cameron Diaz, you have an amazing figure and lovely shiny hair. And you're intelligent and creative and humourous as well.
BTW: how much to send two shells chairs to Australia?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
15/04/2008 9:54 am  

sounds like Olive could ...
sounds like Olive could be the new it girl with her shells
Stephen is Olive just a figment in that mind of yours?
simply amazing how you can come up with such deductions. but I am sure you are right on about Olive,
poor Paulann she never got the royal treatment from you
Olive remember that Seinfeld episode No soup for you

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