Design Addict


UK trouble causers

UK trouble causers  


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Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 5
05/09/2009 3:26 pm  

I see many people are commenting on these traders and all have had some kind of bad account with them. I see they have been "named and shamed" now, and in reply to the postings of Simons initial comments.. traders are finally talking about this, and looking to form some alliance. I am up for it as they have never been off my case for over 2 years and have indeed cost me money and played some very nasty tricks, well below the belt of belief!. Can anyone set up a Blog or something where we can all get together on this properly?. I would love to see them chewing their words !!

Illustrious Member
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05/09/2009 7:36 pm  

a little late.
I made noumerous calls to join together 7 years ago when I wous hounded including to Angel but had been given the excuse that "i dont want to draw attention to myself."
I believe that they opened a shop and have been stung by Ts since then and this is why bitternes exists on their part.
Very hypocritical as they have done VERY well out of EBAY with feed back over 2800.
I spoke to Christie's Bonhams etc and have always been meet with a shut door and am in a way glad this is bringing all of us affected to talk.
You should join antiques associations like BADA and LAPADA who offer legal support to members and that way help to cover some costs if TS turn up.
I spent £150000 of my hard earned money and 7 years to fight this and do not want that to be in vain. So much so that I know their home address!!
Final out come of last court trip was 4 x £200 + 2 x £100 fine rather than the £50000 fine and 3 years in jail that the Bastards from TS had pushed for.
The moral is to not give up at first hurdle. The IS an ass and CAN be challenged it only takes enough to complain about it!

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Posts: 5
05/09/2009 10:27 pm  

I can't believe it 150 000 ! ...
I can't believe it 150 000 ! My god you have some Balls. 7 years ago I was'nt doing Vintage. I would have joined you in this bullshit campain. You obviously know tons about this and them arseholes in Retford. I will mail you directly about this. I am working hard now to unite a few people, as lets face it now they are pulling Leather and Wood Furniture, arn't we all doomed? Their Home address would be handy as they owe my angry courier some money!

Prominent Member
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Posts: 154
06/09/2009 1:52 am  

here here
I would never try to affect any dealers living but the vicious and lets face it childish way they go about there business must be stopped I would like to add my support to a group. As far as the fire regs go i have also been hit and have suggested that it be made essential for dealers to point out the filings are old and possibly toxic and let the customer decide.

Robert Leach
New Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 4
06/09/2009 1:59 am  

edited by Design Addict (no personal details please)


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