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Two part question: ...

Two part question: Italian Glass  


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24/09/2011 4:21 am  

1. Can anyone recommend some books on Italian glass? I'm a new novice at identifying this stuff and just found 2 very pretty cased glass pieces to add to my collection.

2. In the interim, can anyone identify these? I'd rather not bore you all to death with my questions for help every time I snag a new piece but until I get some decent resources I'm still at the mercy of all other knowledgeable people.

Here were the ones I discovered today (the two blue lidded glass jars in the middle) with their stickers still on but it says nothing about who made them.

Robert Leach
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24/09/2011 3:43 pm  

What you have there
is a mix of Italian, Swedish and Danish glass.
(and possibly some Japanese)
The Italian is harder to identify as several people made this bright, cased glass. However, Empoli is a good place to start.
Book-wise you could try Andy McConnell's 20th Century Glass

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24/09/2011 10:24 pm  

Thanks Robert, my collection...
Thanks Robert, my collection of cased glass spans several designers and countries. Sadly my knowledge of Italian is the worst. Thanks for the help.

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03/10/2011 2:48 pm  

Your items - 1950s Cased Glass
The Glass items you have pictured are more reminiscent of Scandinavian design and all items are what are called "CASED GLASS" where you an inner layer, normally of white or another colour, then a second layer is laid over the inner layer giving, hence the term cased glass. The stickers themselves are not really a good indication of even origin and the look of the items would also suggest that thye are a mass produced item, not a piece of studio glass by any particular furnace in Venice. Date wise I would suggest they were made anywhere between 1950 and 1980 as this style was very popular in the Retro period and in particular, cased glass was very popular. The fact that the labels say IMPORTED BY means that these pieces were mass produced but are still quite striking none the less.
Dean Cato

Robert Leach
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03/10/2011 3:01 pm  


Eminent Member
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03/10/2011 7:51 pm  

I know nothing about glass...
I know nothing about glass but you have a beautiful collection there. I LOVE those orange pieces in particular. Where do you find your glass?

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10/10/2011 9:40 am  

My glass
I've been picking up pieces of cased glass for the last 12 years or so wherever I find it. Most of it was discovered back home in Sydney and in the UK at yard sales or in thrift shops. Some aren't anything noteworthy but I like the look of the collection all consistently being cased glass.


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