Design Addict


Trying to learn a l...

Trying to learn a little more about this shell I saved.  


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Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2
18/03/2013 6:13 am  

Picked this up on craigslist, it was upholstered, attempted to be reupholstered with hot glue, and so dirty and damp that I was hesitant to touch it. BUT after ripping the upholstery off it is looking much better.It has a very noticeable fiber pattern in it and is a sea foam color. There is no Herman Miller marking, or any paper labels. It has a small double triangle logo which I had found to be Summit Plastics, but since seeing that I have also seen some sites tagging it as Zenith, which I assume is incorrect. If you all could give me any insight to the approximate age it would be greatly appreciated, I am trying to figure out how to scrape all the glue from the edge and then get the paint off the back as it chipping off with the glue... Also debating trying to replace the shock mounts, these seem to be in fairly good condition, they are really hard though. Any information about this chair would be great as I seem to be finding alot of contradicting information about these...
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