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Illustrious Member
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22/11/2015 5:21 pm  

Top of the morning to all!
I've been sniffing around this older oil painting for the last few weeks. I am out of wall space, so I'd have to edit something in order to let it hang out with me and my cat. Now, it will require re-framing..but the canvas is in decent shape. I find it charming. $800.USD. Should I snag it or pass? Your advice would be most welcome. I have additional pictures. The piece is from France, mid century. Oh.
Your Aunt Mark
ps I'm actually invited to sail on the mighty Atlantic Ocean today....and I like my shorts. Hi. I like sailor boys.

Illustrious Member
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22/11/2015 5:32 pm  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 4586
22/11/2015 5:35 pm  

And I'll wear this pair of shorts on my aunts big boat today. No shoe's allowed. Decent vodka most welcome.
With love,
Aunt Mark

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 4586
22/11/2015 5:45 pm  

Thanks you dear spanky!
Actually I was is only $700. If anyone has a moment, here are the snappies from the designers warehouse of the above artwork. The frame looks to be trashed. This is an odd but interesting store that I pop into only occasionally. They will probably reduce the price by 10%, as they have done that in the past for me.
Man overboard.....
Aunt Mark

Illustrious Member
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22/11/2015 5:50 pm  

and I can't edit out my duplicate snappy of my fabulous shorts...sorry.
Aunt Sailor

Illustrious Member
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22/11/2015 6:04 pm  

"On leave on Poros, Greece"--how could you not?!
If that loose corner on the frame is the only issue, it could be fixed pretty easily, I think. If you like the frame, that is---the style, the vintage look. Sometimes putting a very vintage-looking painting in a new frame kinda takes something away, I think. But if there is other, worse damage, that's a different story.
I just love the composition, the direct, confidant way they're walking at the viewer. And the light and color. All things are possible.
What is that style called, though? Not abstract, that's for sure.
You could always throw out an offer of about 20% less and then act all gracious when they come back with 10%, or maybe they'll go for 20 if it's been there for awhile? That's about how things work where I am, but where I am isn't Palm Beach.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 2317
22/11/2015 7:10 pm  

Anchors aweigh!
If it speaks to you, Mark, by all means buy it.
The painting itself appears in good, original condition from the photos. Oil on linen and confidently executed by someone that's had some training. A tad unfinished, perhaps to my eye, but intentionally so and likely just the style. Inspect closely for any deflections (dents or protrusions) in the canvas, especially those caused by loose stretcher keys that may have fallen between the bottom stretcher and canvas. Likely, the picture just needs a minor surface cleaning, a backing board installed, and a simple frame repair. And, perhaps, a coat of varnish to help protect it and saturate the colors if it looks "dry". A few hundred bucks, tops, done by any local conservator/restorer. You can use that amount as a valid bargaining chip.
The luckiest people are those that can buy art that they enjoy, Mark. But, you already know that.

Illustrious Member
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22/11/2015 7:37 pm  

Thanks so much. I don't feel comfortable bargaining price, as the 2 bearded queens that own the store are very kind, plus they just sold me and delivered the Curtis Jere non- brutalist wall support that is cranked up over the guest bed. They re-open on Tuesday. I'll take it, if it passes a closer inspection. Many thanks for the good advice. And hopefully the frame could be repaired..?? I never thought of that, plus I like the thought on how a new frame somehow takes away from a vintage (or sorta of vintage in this case) framed work of art. Patina is my friend. I like sailors, too. Yes. Hi.
Bar is open,
Aunt Mark
ps. I feel that i may have broken a house rule by exposing this store and their website. If so, please wake up Alix and have her kindly remove whatever is necessary...and to accept my apologies.

Illustrious Member
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22/11/2015 7:51 pm  

General consensus dictates keeping the original frame on the piece whenever possible. "Artist's intent" and all that.
In this case, I don't think there's any question that the frame is original to the picture. And, I think, stylistically, it works well with both the painting and your decorating (and maybe even with your slacks).

Illustrious Member
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29/11/2015 12:12 am  

Mark! Did you get the painting??

Illustrious Member
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29/11/2015 2:12 am  

Hi spanky!
Yes, but the store wanted to send the painting out so that the old frame would get a full hysterectomy, and the canvas a simple DNC. The odd thing is that they have yet to charge my AX. The store offers complimentary installation...I'll take a snappy then, probably next week. Also, I really like my shorts today. Hi.
Aunt Mark

Illustrious Member
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30/11/2015 3:32 am  

Goody. Can't wait to see it "at home" chez Mark. The frame is great; the painting priceless. "Snapshot Impressionism"?
tktoo's comment 'And, perhaps, a coat of varnish to help protect it and saturate the colors if it looks "dry"' is too shocking to respond to, so I won't. "Even the lowly deserve the respect of faithful exhibition?" is what I would have said, perhaps -- but we'll never know, will we.

Illustrious Member
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30/11/2015 3:05 pm  

Oo, I like "Snapshot Impressionism"! Well done, SDR!
The white glove service sounds lovely, Mark. So looking forward to seeing it in your home, too, and hearing about the whole event! Which shorts will you be wearing?

Illustrious Member
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02/12/2015 2:12 am  

So the frame and canvas duster isn't interested in tightening up the old frame. He wants me to replace. I am going to refuse and have it hung just like it is, wrecked/manhandled frame and all. Patina does exist under certain circumstances upon/within picture frames!! (I learned that off of Hollywood Squares). Delivered tomorrow afternoon. I'll wear something colorful. Don't forget to feed the birds. Hi.
Aunt Mark

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 4586
03/12/2015 1:45 am  

The nancy boy's stopped over this afternoon and installed the sailor boy's on my den wall. As usual, my music was a smidgen too loud and I did have a slight buzz. The owner is quite bossy and was clad in more BLACK than Johnny Cash wore to June Bug Carter's funeral! He did nothing but give instructions to the confused hungry better looking younger man (who seemed to be a bit socially challenged.. plus he had a nervous tick...which can be cool). Boss man wore the same scent.."Evening in Boca Raton"..or something like that and I wore a lovely pair of Lilly Pulitzer shorts in the green "la sabre" pattern, and navy blue Gucci kicks. The poodles stayed and slugged down a strong beverage, scarfed up a light snack, told me a couple of naughty jokes,,,,fifty tip, and good-bye. I like it. I blame SDR.
Aunt Mark

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