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Torbjorn Afdal for ...

Torbjorn Afdal for Bruksbo Bench PLANTER ?  


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Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 14
18/11/2011 1:11 am  

This morning I purchased a rosewood Torbjorn Afdal for Bruksbo Bench. Along with the bench there was a large rectangle rosewood planter also by Bruksbo that I purchased separately. I immediately flipped the bench to a high end dealer. But neither the dealer nor I realized at the time that the planter was an accessory to the bench (see link).

I know this site is not for getting appraisals but can anyone let me know if this planter is valuable? I know the bench was quite valuable. I definitely think I could have gotten much more for the piece but the benefits of an immediate return won out this time. But luckily for me the planter was cheap so I do not have to be in a hurry to get money back, plus there is no storage/shipping issue as with the bench. The image from Modern Montage is the one of the few I found via google. Most of the photos of the bench do not include the planter, so I was thinking this might be a rare find.

If the planter could draw a good sum I would definitely sell it but I quite like it for myself and have a perfect spot for it on a rosewood credenza.

Images are of a found image (from modernmontage) and Images of the my planter.

Thanks for reading my long post. I appreciate any insight.

Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 282
18/11/2011 1:26 am  

Well, the site you linked to...
Well, the site you linked to was selling the planter for $125, so I'd imagine that its fair market (ebay) value would be somewhat less than that.
At that price, I'd say you should hang onto it if you like it!


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