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Tool for cane work ...

Tool for cane work - technical question  


Richard Tanimura
Prominent Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 175
11/07/2013 11:47 am  

I am caning a chair. It is extremely satisflying and occasionally extremely frustrating. So much so that I will confess that I have uttered an oath or two during the past days;-)
I have found a tool called a "shell bodkin". I love that name so much, I have decided that I am going to be the first one on my block to own one. But besides bragging rights, it would be nice to be able to explain what it is used for. I asked the seller and could not quite understand her answer but it was obvious that it was something I required.
Seriously. Check the link. Look halfway down the page at "Shell Bodkin". Admit that you also want one and tell me what it is supposed to do.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1879
11/07/2013 4:43 pm  

Try this
Try this

Richard Tanimura
Prominent Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 175
12/07/2013 7:21 pm  

All I need. Thnx.
All I need.
Odd that I never thought to google the word. It seemed too improbable or completely made up.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2246
12/07/2013 8:09 pm  

Oh-oh. Can a fid or two,
scrapers, burnishers, crane-neck chisels and a collection of other specialized single-purpose tools be far behind?
Be careful, it's a step down the path to ruination. Don't say later that nobody warned you.


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