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Thread closed. Bertoia didn't do any lamps  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 4376
07/11/2011 4:36 pm  

Would that there were more mu...
Would that there were more mute points. Better yet, mute moot points.

pirx pilot
Trusted Member
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07/11/2011 5:51 pm  

Finally, a post which made me laugh....and nothing else. Thank you.

Famed Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 361
08/11/2011 5:56 am  

I gotta say
I remember answering this thread very early in the morning - and I had to spell check the entire thing (I had more typos than you could imagine) - I am a zombie for an hour when I awake - it takes me a good hour to wake up.
I remember at the time thinking "answer this one later..." but noooo, I had to do it right there and then.
And to have "mute" instead of "moot"! Well, I am kinda embarrassed! And yes, I edited it out to hide my mistake!
Although I missed out on the lamp, I will still see if I can get a picture of it up. I have no doubt some will scream there could have been no way it could have been Harry Bertoia, and there hopefully will be one who says "Yeah, I kind of see why you MAY have thought such..."
- A.S.

Eminent Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 20
08/11/2011 5:54 pm  

I'm so confused...
Why would you need a financial incentive to purchase the lamp?!??!!??!!!?!?!?
Maria has ASSURED us all that you two buy for YOU! For your HOME! Because you like the stuff! You aren't icky dealers, out to make a buck!
And if you'd found out here that Bertoia DID make lamps, you'd never run out and use that information to PAD your CAPITALIST wallets!!

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