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Terry Jones-Quran B...

Terry Jones-Quran Burning Madman/MCM Furniture Purveyor?  

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Illustrious Member
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02/02/2011 5:54 pm  

Lesser known 12th...
Lesser known 12th Commandment: thou shalt not kill an ugly chair by firing squad.

Illustrious Member
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02/02/2011 8:04 pm  

But how
do we feel about burning, drowning or shredding? A really bad reproduction or, even, Jeremiah?
Frankly, I'm shocked that this whacko is Dos Bananos. He had pretty good stuff a few years ago and I am so, so, so glad that I didn't buy anything from him because I would feel obligated to consign it to Good Will or something.

Illustrious Member
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02/02/2011 8:18 pm  

Shop - color blind
I shop color blind, except green. It is always about the money. The best product for the best price. The seller is a conduit. Nothing more and nothing less. I spend my time keeping my side of the street clean.

Noble Member
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02/02/2011 10:14 pm  

How NICE for you Ark
How NICE for you Ark that you don't allow any principals to get in the way of your acquisition of material possessions. So long as you get the best price, right?

Illustrious Member
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02/02/2011 11:14 pm  

Krenit, have you some vested...
Krenit, have you some vested interest in this story ? would you like to burn Terry Jones ?

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02/02/2011 11:37 pm  

Not at all. I just think...
Not at all. I just think that people need to know the truth. I object to what the Jones' say and do in the name of Christianity and think that if we are silent in the face of that kind of hate, we are complicit in what they are doing. It's worse even, if we know what they are doing and help fund those activities.

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
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03/02/2011 12:08 am  

"So long as you get the best...
"So long as you get the best price, right?"
Which is something we all want isn't it? No need to eviscerate Ark.
Nice Guy/Ark didn't articulate this well, but he does make a point. In the end, for most of us, morality takes a backseat to desires and necessities. How often do you inquire into the responsibility of a business/product?
What I don't agree with is the ambivalence of NiceGuys remark. What we do with our money does make an impact. Loonies can be marginalized with a lack of money...followers will look elsewhere for leadership, and hopefully one MUCH more mature. Major Corporations like Monsanto can fail (and should) with no revenue. Other more respectful, ethical and responsible business's will take their place (hopefully).
I'd like to include the fact that there are so many angles to buying something it can easily cause the brain to malfunction and reboot itself.

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30/03/2011 10:44 am  

While it received little...
While it received little press coverage, the Joneses did burn a Quran on the 20th.
And according to the Anti-Defamation League some members of Dove World participate in demonstrations with the Westboro Baptist Church:

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31/03/2011 10:07 pm  

i have an idea
ask him a bunch of questions on ebay and end everything in Praise be to Allah:)

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31/03/2011 10:13 pm  


Noble Member
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01/04/2011 10:39 pm  

Now Terry Jones has the...
Now Terry Jones has the lives of several UN employees on his head.

Trusted Member
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01/04/2011 11:59 pm  

Ban Dosbananas on EBAY!
Ban Dosbananas!
How revolting is this all. "Stolen" chairs from India at Wright auctions and a horrifying sect that sells awesome stuff on Ebay.

Illustrious Member
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Famed Member
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02/04/2011 7:07 am  

I haven't been following this thread 'til now.
Still not sure if I'm following it, either-- we're to vilify an Ebay seller because his father is an anti-muslim pastor? Is there any evidence that the son is simpatico with the father? If not, how is this any different than the father's vilification of all Muslims because of 9/11?
I'd hate to be judged by the actions & opinions of my own family, first of all.
Second of all, I'm not sure if I'd especially care if the seller son DOES hold objectionable political opinions. If I demanded what I consider to be moral perfection from all those I "support" through business dealings, there'd be very few people left for me to trade with! Really, it's more than enough for me if their business practices are on the up & up.

Illustrious Member
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02/04/2011 7:09 am  

Check out Luke (Dosbananos)...
Check out Luke (Dosbananos) Jone's
youtube channel and judge for yourself

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