Design Addict


Taste-maker's retro...

Taste-maker's retrospective  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 406
07/06/2009 7:33 am  

Some of you may be interested in a new show at the Musem of Modern Art. As the Times reported this week, ",,, the Modern is revisiting its role as design arbiter with ?What Was Good Design? MoMA?s Message 1944-56,? a selection of more than 100 objects from its design collection, organized by Juliet Kinchin, curator, and Aidan O?Connor, curatorial assistant, in the architecture and design department. These objects include furnishings, tools and implements of recreation. (For example a broom, rake, hunting bow and fishing rod, all in sleek metal, are on view now.)

"Many familiar classics are on hand, like Tupperware, the Chemex coffee maker, Ray and Charles Eames?s multicolored storage unit and Greta Von Nessen?s ingenious ?Anywhere? lamp (1951), which could sit or hang. Also here is the butterfly (or B.K.F.) chair. A staple of 1950s and ?60s American life, the chair was invented in 1938 by the Argentine designers Antonio Bonet, Juan Kurchan and Jorge Ferrari Hardoy (hence, B.K.F.) and has been widely knocked off..."


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