Design Addict


TOD Table  


Todd V
Active Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 18
01/02/2011 5:49 pm  

May I start a brief discussion about the Todd Bracher TOD table?

Sorry to ask the typical "why is it so pricey?" question but... why is it so, so pricey?

Of course I understand that it is highly designed and made in Italy. But, what is it about lacquered polypropylyne that is so expensive to produce? Can any one comment on the durability of this piece? Is it solid plastic or hollow? does it scratch uncontrollably? Since it is lacquered, I know I could polish or re-paint it in the future when it is beaten up and UV-faded.

I've seen too many plastic pieces made of acrylic, lucite and molded plastic turn yellow and fade over the years and would hate to see that happen to a TOD table.

Thanks for any advice.


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