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Sunflower Clock que...

Sunflower Clock question...  


Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 299
25/03/2010 12:16 am  

Ok, this is for all you Nelson clock experts, iClock, Barry et al. I absolutely LOVE the sunflower clock and have a perfect spot for one, bt am wondering if any of you have taken a close look at the new Vitra versions and compared/contrasted them with the vintage ones.

Thanks in advance.

Noble Member
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Posts: 203
25/03/2010 2:30 am  

The one original I've seen up close has lest contrast between the different wood species. This may be a function of the wood aging, but the Vitra ones just seem a little too contrasty. Other than that, the construction seems pretty spot on.

Illustrious Member
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25/03/2010 2:38 am  

I've never
been lucky to see a real one close up. The Vitra authorized reproduction looks pretty darn nice, but even it is too rich for my pocketbook!
By the way, have you'all noticed that Vitra has discontinued a bunch of wall and table clocks?

Noble Member
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Posts: 299
25/03/2010 4:12 am  

yeah they're oretty spendy...
but it's tax return time ;0).
I just have a spot SCREAMING for one.
Didn't see that some were discontinued but did notice the cool "new" ceramic ones.

I Clock
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25/03/2010 9:09 am  

vintage vs vitra
DudeDah, I have seen many of the Vitra Sunflower clocks in stores and in other people's homes. I have two vintage Sunflower clocks, the walnut and birch version and the walnut and black version. How do they compare to me? Well, the good thing about the Vitra ones is that they are about 95 to 100 % true to the original design, and they do look great on a wall. The bad thing about them is that I have seen more than one of the Vitra Sunflower clocks that is hanging there and falling apart at the same time. The Vitra ones are just not as well constructed as the originals. The thin veneer petal pieces tend to pull out of their slots in wooden body center and then they look all saggy. Gravity gets the best of them. It also comes down to the visual aspects of looking like brand new, shiny, factory, stamped out by the hundreds, verses the noticeable skill and craftsmanship that went into constructing the old ones. I know that finding a vintage one is not easy, they just don't pop up every other day on Ebay or in antique stores, but they are out there. Yes, finding a vintage one in perfect condition is rare too, but the patina and wear to a vintage one just adds to it's character IMO. The Vitra one goes for over $1000 now, and seem to keep going up. I got both my vintage ones for under that price. Some of the Nelson clocks that Vitra does are pretty good, but most are rather sad in comparison to a vintage one.


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