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Storing CDs without...

Storing CDs without jewel cases  


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Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 393
17/08/2011 8:29 am  

Since our music library is now "digitized" and we listen mostly on our ipods (and very rarely play CDs on our CD player), my husband and I have discussed getting rid of our hundreds of CD jewel cases, thus freeing up shelf space.

We'd like to retain the CDS & liner notes, since we can't QUITE yet bring ourselves to purge the CDs entirely.

The husband has forced my hand by starting on this project today while I was at work (without my permission or oversight!), and he bought these ugly black leatherette cubes with white topstitching that are like little CD file cabinets, with vinyl CD "hanging folders". (He had no plan as to where these 8 dumb cubes will live, he just ran amuck at Best Buy. Nevermind, they'll be returned!)

Before I put on my thinking cap to try to come up with a sane, attractive means of storing the CDs in our small apartment, I thought I'd pose the problem here and ask for suggestions from any who have tackled this storage problem.

I'm leaning toward good looking discreet "albums" that can be stored on a shelf, organized alphabetically. Any suggestions or recommendations welcome--


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