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Still Can't decide.

Still Can't decide.  


Noble Member
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Posts: 279
12/03/2008 10:19 am  

Regarding my super-elliptical dining table by piet hein (an under-rated designer if ever there was one)
As the table is an ellipse (between a rectangle and a circle), do you think an elongated oval shaped pendant lamp would look best over it (The I-Club by Luzifer) or a circular pendant lamp (The Saturnia by Luzifer). Please take the time to check out the website again for me on:

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12/03/2008 1:40 pm  

The circular one.

Illustrious Member
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12/03/2008 4:37 pm  

nice lamps. i've always...
nice lamps. i've always liked a triple with a long table. like the Hola.
i'm not familiar with your table though...

Famed Member
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12/03/2008 5:29 pm  

Why feel the need to repeat the table shape in the lamp? A) The proportions of the two ovals (table/ lamp) will inevitably differ, looking like a failed attempt to "match". B) The play between the two different shapes (oval/ circle) seem inherently more interesting.

Estimable Member
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12/03/2008 11:18 pm  

Be careful.
If color is important to you. I had to return one of their nut lamps because it didn't at all match the sample that I was sent.

azurechicken (USA)
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13/03/2008 12:36 am  

no question, in fact, its rarely a wrong choice for an overhead fixture...Hein tables are a very fine design,subtle...

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23/03/2008 1:37 am  

This is my first post here...
This is my first post here so first let me say hello everyone! I live in Poland and have this sweet little obsession over designer lamps. And chairs - chairs are nice 😉
Going back to your question, I don't think any of Saturnia or I-Club would go well with your table - too much of circular/oblong action going on. I would choose something more sculptural like Mikado, or, if you do insist on oblong forms, I would suggest Carambola or X-Club as better choices. But please check out Mikado or Mini Mikado first - they are absolutely spectacular. I have both lamps - Mikado being quite large needs a higher ceiling or preferably a loft-type space but Mini Mikado can fit anywhere. My only grievance is that they do not give too much light but I guess you cannot have everything.
-- taje

Illustrious Member
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24/03/2008 4:57 am  

Hi Stephen
I am with my ? Mediterranean blue? friend and with taje. The Piet Hein super ellipse is a very typical shape and anything oblong will mismatch.
Saturnia is nice but a little bit too solid. Mikado seems a rather dramatic solution that somehow echoes the mathematical approach to the table?s shape.

Eminent Member
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25/03/2008 2:39 pm  

It matches better the table, I think

Noble Member
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25/03/2008 3:03 pm  

That table... all over the place in Denmark. We lived there for a year and I saw it in many homes and also in every other store, it seemed. Even their Home Depot-type chain store carried a knockoff of it. And the Jacobsen 7 chair was most commonly used with it (either the real thing or one of several knockoffs that were also ubiquitous).
Anyway, just thought you might like to know that. I loved the table when we were there and wanted one badly. Then we moved back to the US and I saw it so seldom that I nearly forgot about it.
I'd hang a Poul Henningsen pendant over it, like this one. It just seems right to me. Predictable, but right.


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