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Steel and Leather C...

Steel and Leather Chair ID  


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23/12/2016 7:30 am  

Hi everyone,
Maybe just tired or missing a word in my Google attempts but trying to identify this leather and steel chair. Couldn't find a mark or stamp so that might be the problem. Was rushing and trying my best. Some wear to the leather and pitting to the frame, but for $5.00, I had to walk out with it.
Extremely comfortable and heavy. Feels similar to Van Der Rohe or the Siesta chair...
If it's just common or a great knockoff, still beautiful in my book.

<img class="wpforo-default-image

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23/12/2016 10:48 am  

wonderful chair

Illustrious Member
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23/12/2016 4:03 pm  

At five bucks, you definitely shoot first and ask questions later.
That looks like some nice thick leather in the photo. And the leather wear reminds me of the wear to our 30+ year old Cassina Cab chairs in the office (not that I am making a connection with Cassina to the OP's chair).
By the way, is anyone else having viewing troubles on their iPad these days? Often the text formatting is not HTML, and only one photo is able to be seen in a post, even when multiple images are there.

Illustrious Member
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23/12/2016 4:10 pm  

Got it, I think...
Clement Meadmore, Sling chair, designed 1963, model 248, manufactured by Leif Wessman Associates,
I think "sling" is the key word in the google search for this chair.
By any chance, are you in Australia?

Illustrious Member
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23/12/2016 4:12 pm  

I don't know about the chair either but yes, for $5 definitely way more than worth it!
cdsilva, I wonder if your iPad troubles date to when the photo formatting was changed a couple of weeks (?) ago? It used to be that when I clicked on a photo I could scroll through the other photos in that individual post to the thread. Now when I click on it, it's possible to scroll through all the photos in the entire thread. I didn't note exactly when this change happened but it was pretty recent. It works fine for me in Chrome on my Macbook, and on my iPhone, though sometimes the formatting is wonky on my phone if I'm not logged in to the site. I don't own an iPad so can't help there.

Illustrious Member
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23/12/2016 4:18 pm  

And a nice description:

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23/12/2016 4:23 pm  

spanky, my troubles did first start a few weeks ago. It comes and goes. In fact, now it's back to HTML and I can see that there are multiple photos in the first post. Desktop access has been fine all long, only iPad access via Safari. Maybe Patrick and Alix know what's going on.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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23/12/2016 4:36 pm  

On my iPad it takes a while for all the images to load and some JavaScript processing to happen afterwards that creates the slide show. If I click the image too early, all I see is the first image.. I suppose if you are having internet connection problems or some other problem blocking the successful download of all the images, you might never see the slideshow start. I am having more and more issues like that on my old iPad, but not on this site, yet. Or at least not frequently. I believe I have rarely seen the same problem.
Refreshing the page might help. Of course, you don't know if there actually are more images or not when this happens to you, you so it is purely speculative whether a refresh might magically make more images appear or if there really only is one.
I personally am not a fan of the slideshow and wish I could have all the images displayed inline for faster and easier viewing.

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24/12/2016 12:38 am  

Hey everyone,
I've been having troubles with the site as well these last two days seeing posts, especially in Safari browser.
Thanks cdsilva! I hadn't seen your post but did finally discover it is without question the 248 Sling Chair by Meadmore. I'm actually in the US, the Pacific Northwest. Extremely fortunate and happy with this find. I never expect to find such pieces anymore out thrifting.
Now it's on to determining the best ways to fix the pitting and the leather. Any ideas welcome.
Thanks again.

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24/12/2016 4:47 am  

I think the leather looks great the way it is. Don't do anything,
No strong opinion on the chrome. I'd tend to clean it with just a rag, and maybe something a little stronger if there is dirt or goo to remove.

Illustrious Member
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24/12/2016 4:52 am  

... and Chrome seems to work fine on the iPad, so I guess it is a Safari issue rather than an iPad one.

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24/12/2016 4:58 am  

Sometimes pitting on chrome can be minimized by polishing it with oil or paste wax and #0000 steel wool. The oil or wax just acts as a lubricant so that the steel wool doesn't scratch the chrome. I've had good results with this but you should test it on an inconspicuous area first, of course.
The pitting will still be there but you can get rid of the rust or corrosion that sort of "blooms" from the pinpoint breaks in the chrome. Unless they're bigger than pinpoints, I guess...then I don't know.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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24/12/2016 6:47 am  

Is it chrome plate steel or stainless?
If it is not magnetic that would confirm it is one kind of stainless steel. If it is magnetic, then it might be chromed steel or the other kind of stainless.
Or maybe you can see around the pits if there is a shiny layer of chrome that has been pushed up, cracked, and broken through by the rusted steel underneath.

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24/12/2016 7:51 am  

Appreciate the help guys.
I should have been more clear, cdsilva. I do appreciate the wear and the use. I want to preserve and protect it and certainly use it. Fixing may not have been the right word.
Spanky and Leif - it is chromed steel and the magnet does stick. I was worried the steel wool might dull/haze the shine? I read about the aluminum foil trick with water or vinegar? Would that be something you both recommend?
I understand and can live with the pitting. It's mostly just to the top side of the legs. I'm probably most worried about the stress points where the leather rests against the edge of the frame (mostly the top half supporting your back). It's creating a natural crease or seam that might split or crack more with use. Any ideas to help keep this lasting? I believe I saw it might be a saddle maybe some saddle soap, Lexol or some other conditioner?
Thanks again everyone.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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24/12/2016 8:04 am  

Pure, uncompounded neatsfoot oil is what I would put on the leather. Be very careful with any soap. They are almost always alkaline, and leather is acid, which creates a slow moving chemical reaction that destroys the leather.


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