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Starting with a rug...

Starting with a rug... where to go from here?  

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03/10/2011 8:12 pm  

Sounds awful. I've had two...
Sounds awful. I've had two carpal tunnel surgeries (one per arm), spent thousands on ergonomic everything?then sold it all again. I'm hoping this chair/desk combo will be a proper solution.
Diet and exercise are a huge part of it. The plus side of having these issues?I ended up losing 35 pounds, down to no body fat, increasing muscle all with the motivation that comes from enduring pain when I eat and drink poorly! Interesting that physical therapy doesn't help me (admittedly i did not stick with it as long as you), but exercise sure does.
I really hate the look of the embody.. 🙁 maybe I can find a more subtle version than what i've seen in stores that will help me deal

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03/10/2011 8:20 pm  

I absolutely love this. The...
I absolutely love this. The original floorplan I included was the "suggested" layout.
This is what we had been thinking:
Do you see any potential problems with this? I wanted to keep things open, but think that your suggestion might have a better flow. The desk and chair combo is already established, as is the 5x7' moss green rug?which is what makes this so difficult.

Famed Member
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04/10/2011 9:58 am  

If you're going to stick with your Envelop desk,
I think a happier solution would be to have it face the wall-- that layout above looks a little cramped, and there's all kinds of wasted space in that corner.
If the desk is staying, maybe an L-shaped sofa would be difficult for this space. Perhaps a traditional sofa would work better.
Unless you're anti-television, you should take that into account, too-- where will it live?
You might continue playing with these little floor plan diagrams; and, since you know the actual size of the desk be sure that the little rectangle you're using is in correct scale with the room.

Illustrious Member
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04/10/2011 10:34 am  

Sitting at the
desk and facing into the room seems like it would be worth a little sacrifice of space elsewhere. I have never been afraid to sacrifice floor space when the result is a freeing of "room space" -- view, freedom of visual movement, etc. Your plan seems to provide those intangibles . . .
If you can do a mock-up with some temporary pieces -- or even paper cutouts on the floor -- you will be able to determine if the scheme works in terms of passage and minimum clearances.

Illustrious Member
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04/10/2011 1:08 pm  

If it were mine I'd try something like this first. You could even try a modular sofa whereby an armchair can be pulled out into the room or a height adjustable dining table so you could use it for food prep. Maybe a table lamp next to the sofa for reading, Rowlands 40/4 chairs might be good too. Leaving the middle of the room fairl empty might make it feel more spacious and you'd get to loll around on that rug.

Famed Member
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04/10/2011 8:18 pm  

Tricky manuever-- this desk abutting back of a sofa
A sleek table running the length of the sofa could work, but I'm guessing that the proportions & style of this high-tech desk would look not-so-great this way. It's also a fairly deep desk & chair-- you'd need a LOT of space between the chair & wall not to feel totally boxed-in. And what about electrical cables? Fraught with difficulty, this idea--

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05/10/2011 12:56 am  

One nice thing about the...
One nice thing about the desk, It slides towards you. So when not in use, I can make it 31" and pull it as much as 37" towards me. Now, it won't look right in this room?that's for certain?but this is not a design choice but a health requirement.
I am getting it in Medium walnut. I really wanted it in gray but I don't think the exposed laminate looks good .
If anyone thinks that mixing the light bamboo, dark kitchen cabinets and then this medium walnut color is a bad idea?please let me know as i'm about to purchase!
thanks again for the help!

pirx pilot
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05/10/2011 9:11 am  

Go for it.
I think there is a fairly long lead time on these, so you should order ASAP.
I also got the medium walnut. My home office has other walnut American Danish stuff in it, but the floors are old thin strip golden oak.
Will you assemble it? I did, but found two strange threaded knob "things" loosely packed and the instructions gave no clue as where they should go. After much puzzlement, I realized they were meant as thumb screws for the sliding track mechanism, and are supposed to help lock the desk in whatever position you like. But I think the key to preventing more ulnar problems is to change positions and angles as much as possible, so I never lock the desk into place.
Are you going with the monitor supports? I haven't, but definatly will keep it in mind when I upgrade my computer...sometime, when money flows a bit more regularly again. Also, the footrest may be nice and good for posture,...but I had already spent too much on the desk and chair.
Good luck with everything.

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