mine are the straight-sided kind like in Rockland's picture, but thanks for checking.
For others with a Digsmed wheel, the reason mine broke was because the glue dried out around the dowel, separated from the wheel itself and shot across the room. So, check your glue joints before you spin it with too much gusto!
That's an
undersized dowel, for the load of cap and bottle and the live loads imposed by use. The maker(s) may not have taken all that into account. In my work a dowel or tenon is always deeper than it is wide -- with the idea of mechanically preventing any chance of movement, which is the start of joint failure.
Still, it's a neat design.
Is this what you mean?
The jar part looks like the ones upthread. These didn't sell. It's worth asking the seller if they're still available.
If not, it's also worth setting up a saved search on Ebay for "digsmed spice". You can opt for getting an email whenever a new listing is added.
Straight cylinder jars available
Hello all; I know this is an old thread, but I just stumbled on this when I was looking for sites or blogs concerning Danish Modern Teak furniture.
If any of you come back and revisit this thread, I have some straight/cylinder shaped Digsmed 1964 bottles I'm willing to part out/give away. I have a twelve jar wheel and a case of eleven extra jars that my parents bought when we lived in Germany back in the mid '60s (along with a huge load of Danish teak furniture). I'm comfortable meting out a total of eight jars. This offer is for those of you, like TK1967 and Riki, who only need one or two jars to complete your wheel. Please don't contact me if you need more than two because it wouldn't be fair to those who have obviously been more careful with their sets over the years. I'm willing to give these out for only the cost of shipping. I'm not here to scalp anyone, but merely to help you get back to a complete wheel.
We're lucky to have only broken one jar out of twenty four over the years. As an Air Force family, we've wagged this stuff all over the planet. It's strange to me that my mom had the foresight to buy an extra set of jars considering the fact that she has never been one to plan ahead for anything.
My contact information: anarisuto(at)gmail.com
Put 'spice rack' in the subject and give me a holler. Please be patient if I don't reply quickly, as I am somewhat of a slacker when it comes to checking my email on a timely basis. David
Well, I have two remaining jars to give out. I've shipped three sets of two each. Please remember that I'm shipping on an honor system basis. I've had two shipments paid and one not paid. Please only request the jars if you can at least pay shipping. It's about $6 to ship two jars. The jars are free. I just need to cover shipping cost. Thanks.
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