At the request of jesgord, here are some photos of my little mobile sculpture. It is not a vintage piece. It was a one-of-a-kind handmade art piece I bought a while back. I am forgetting the maker's name. He is an architect in Las Vegas, Nevada who made them for fun. I remember checking a while back and he does not make/sell them anymore.
I really don't have the right set up to take a decent photo of it, unfortunately.
It is all Spanish Cedar (the stuff cigar boxes are made of). And the curves are glue laminations. It is a very finely crafted sculpture.<img class="wpforo-default-imag
On a tangent, I did some research last year on an old cigar box I had found. Part of my education from that search was that Spanish Cedar is not part of the softwood cedar family, but rather the mahogany family. Its strong resemblance in scent to cedar is presumably how it got its common name.
It does make for a fine sculpture and would be a nice contrast with the black leather side of that table.
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