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So, what do you thi...

So, what do you think about the iPad?  

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Trusted Member
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28/01/2010 11:56 pm  

$50 Billion is savings and...
$50 Billion is savings and $15B in profit last quarter.
That means we know nothing about it and Apple knows everything!

Illustrious Member
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29/01/2010 4:32 am  

It eliminates paper.
I need paperless communication.
And i'm not the only one.
No need to defend it.
I'm confident my stock is sound.

Estimable Member
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29/01/2010 6:40 am  

Have you seen the iPad spoof from 2007?!
This is hilarious! Mad TV spoofed the name iPad in 2006 or 2007.

Modern Love
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29/01/2010 7:54 am  

7 posts ago.

Modern Love
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29/01/2010 6:02 pm  

Just like Apple, I missed that one!

Bario Mellini
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31/01/2010 7:31 am  

Le Corbusier Chair
Is that a Le Corbusier chair that Steve was using for his iPad presentation?

Illustrious Member
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31/01/2010 5:19 pm  

A knock-off.... loooooooooooool.

Famed Member
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31/01/2010 10:25 pm  

The iPad
I like the interface and attention to detail, and I believe it signifies an important step towards computers that adapt to humans.

Illustrious Member
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02/02/2010 1:03 pm  

Steve should have retired...
while he was ahead and in remission.
Steve, despite his recent deserved adulation for many accomplishments, also has a history of dropping half-baked products on the market, goosing them with publicity to recover as much of his sunk costs ASAP, and then orphaning them rather quickly.
Jobs has always made and marketed gadgets a little like Hollywood makes and markets movies.

Illustrious Member
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02/02/2010 1:04 pm  

Every gadget starts out to be a great gadget, just as Hollywood always starts out to make a great picture. But sometime between conception and completion there is a realization that this particular gadget/movie is just not going to be very good. Solution? As I said above: give it a big promotional jerk to get the knuckle draggers into the Apple stores to buy as many as possible to cover sunk costs, but realize this product is going to have no legs once the ad sizzle wears off.
Jobs always quickly moves on and never talks much about the failures: Lisa, Next, the first iPhone, and perhaps now the iPad.
But if history is any indication, he follows his clinkers with much better focused products soon after, and therein lies his great strength as a business man. He is wed only to success, not failure.

Sound & Design
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02/02/2010 9:08 pm  

Good observation DC. Like...
Good observation DC. Like the first generation IPhone, the new 27 inch IMacs have been plagued with technical problems. Big enough to halt new orders for 3 weeks and countless replacements sent to buyers. I don't see the first generation IPads to be any different. As much as I love Apple, I just don't understand the reasoning behind their business strategy. It's a shame really, as it takes several generations of a new release to really take off.
Steven Colbet's "magic" product placement coat trick at the Grammy's only reinforces my desire to avoid disasters.

Illustrious Member
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02/02/2010 9:47 pm  

Like I said, you could get a...
Like I said, you could get a couple Big Chiefs when I was a kid ...
Just an aside.
I noticed when they were here at Christmas that my nephew, who has all the latest newfangled techno gadgets, had a similar tablet concept as part of his laptop. Don't know who made/designed it. I should have asked, but he doesn't talk much. Had I been thinking, I could have texted him.

Illustrious Member
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04/02/2010 4:16 am  

I have heard two takes on this issue of dropping half baked products on the market.
Take A: He's working at the cutting edge of technology and and conceptualizing new products is intrinsically risky and hit and miss. After listening to Koen forensically discuss the failure of his Tilt-a-Bowl concept, I suspect this has to be a big part of it. After all, Steve is dealing in a vastly more complicated product than a Tilt-a-bowl.
Take B: Steve sees a niche served not too well and then steals other persons and/or companies ideas without understanding them terribly well and hopes slapping on an easier interface will carry the day in the market place, even though the product is recognized as half-baked at a certain point before introduction. This of course builds on Steve's history of taking the desktop concept and slapping Xerox PARC's GUI on it. Or Steve taking the idea of cheap hard drive storage, and slapping a digital interpretation of a transitor radio interface from the 60s on it and calling it an iPod. And on and on.
To be fair, its both.
Ironically, Steve has been at his most reliably brilliant regarding Pixar and its phenomenally consistent high quality of digitally animated films. Anyone can animate these films with the right budget and the right friendship with Industrial Light and Magic, but only Steve and Pixar's day to day leader have succeeded in picking successful stories time and time again. It is probably the longest winning streak in the history of Hollywood.

Illustrious Member
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04/02/2010 8:38 pm  

How is the Jobs product...
How is the Jobs product "vastly" more complicated than the Tilt-a-bowl, or anything else, for that matter?
I'm just asking.

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