Ive just brought this lovely little table for what I thought was a bargain of $45 locally and its my first Eames item.Ive tried to research the model, year etc without any luck.Im asking two seperate questions. one is can anyone identify this and two: I had thought about stripping the dark grey paint off the four star part of the leg to show the aluminium off better as its a bit dark for my liking at the moment. Also will this detract or have baring on the table, I just want to make it a little more conducive to my tastes but also want to be honest to its origin. The sizes are 30" or 760mm Diameter and 16" or 405mm Height.Your comments would be appreciatedThanks Dave<img class="wpforo-default-image-attachment wpforoimg" src=" http://old.designaddict.com/sites/default/files/forum/P9200046.
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