Design Addict


Signed 40' round ab...

Signed 40' round abstract painting on wood signed.. Any ideas...?  

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21/08/2013 9:01 am  

That's just a small part...
I might a little...:) It's pretty groovy. It really helps open my mind, and sort through everything. Some Pink Floyd or Beatles, and I can get lost for hours.
It's easy for me to get caught up in 5 or 6 projects at once though, and lose focus, but that brings me back, and helps sort it all out in the mind. Plus, I like slowing life down to my speed, no matter how fast it tries to push me.

Illustrious Member
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21/08/2013 9:47 am  

lava lamps
Of course I know the original lava lamps are mid century groovy dude. (I'm older than you are, remember?)
I just thought I saw knock off lava lamps mixed in there, that's all.
I could have been talking brown skulls or ceramic dogs though. Its like shooting fish in a barrel. Is there anything that you have NOT deemed appropriate for resale?

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21/08/2013 10:16 am  

Probably not in my mix....
I hardly deal in any kind of knockoff. I know the one you're talking about. It is newer, but I think it's Mathmos. I'm not 100% sure on it. I haven't had a chance to look it up yet. It was missing the base, and the cap is fixed, so I can't ID it easily. The lava is actually liquid too on that one, just thicker. Which is why I grabbed it. It was kind of weird. Here's some more I have...

I don't really deal in anything new, unless it's nos. A couple times I've been fooled, but it's very rare.

Illustrious Member
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21/08/2013 9:37 pm  

but sometimes...
Old crap is no better than new crap.
Even "new old stock" crap - is still crap. The distance of time is not ALWAYS magic. Or a way out. Time just blinds some of us, like it seems to have blinded you groovydude.
I mean stained plaster owls?
Or that giant chess set?
Why would this relate to a design blog?
Sometimes ugly lamps are still ugly lamps
Even 30 years later.
Oh god everything is a haiku now.
I keep trying to figure out something.... You are here on a design blog, but never want to discuss any design aspects of anything in depth. Rather you just show more and more stuff.
I think you are simply advertising.
Albeit creatively.
Good job.
Now THAT's Art.

Illustrious Member
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21/08/2013 10:01 pm  

Forget what I've previously said about pollution.
Burn the fuckin' lot.

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21/08/2013 11:02 pm  

I will agree there EH...
Old crap is no better than new crap. Don't take this the wrong way, but I believe you have your blinders on. You don't see what I see. Your scope is too limited.
A plaster owl... Actually it's a rare signed 2 foot tall mid century Atlantic Mold owl tv or table lamp, and it's pretty damn wicked to look at at night.

The giant chess set. Have you ever heard of a company called "Think Big" from NY? They specialized in oversized items. They provided all the pieces for the movie "Big" with Tom Hanks, and was connected to Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein. Their products are highly sought after, and demand the big bucks. I have a pair of 4ft long chrome aviator's hanging on my wall from "Think Big". They're a museum piece. In case you didn't know, highly oversized items are very desirable, and that giant mid century chess set can bring a couple hundred all day. How does it not fit in here?
I don't know what you're talking about. I discuss things all the time. The only reason I showed this stuff, is because when I listed the painting, I got these responses from the shag wall hanging like I'm a suspected junk goofball peddler that falls into a piece of what my dinky Ikea brain thinks is art here or there, with my $4 dumpster finds, and wanted to Kebab you with moronic questions. Plus I know Mark likes Snappies, so why not?
My net casts across the whole world, and from all era's, and styles. I'm like a thousand collectors in one, dispersing it to all the people looking for these objects, but cannot find them. It's very out of place, and most people do not try to hold that much information in their mind, but I do. I can quickly catch a post by you guys, and see something a year later with that name, and remember it. I'm soaking it all in from every angle, not just some of it from one angle.

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21/08/2013 11:15 pm  

Paulanna.. Wrong thread...

Illustrious Member
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21/08/2013 11:17 pm  

the owl
Is simply ugly.
It make make a cool light at night (when you cant see it) with all the holes. But in the daytime, one would still have to LOOK at it. I would not want to. So is that my bad taste talking? Or is it a DESIGN problem with the fucking owl?
It borders on the ridiculous. No wonder you keen eye has found it.
The chess set I was referring to was not anything close to POP big, just that slightly oversized cheap and lightweight wooden set that is quite common and stored in the board that is a box too. See them all the time. But you found a way to seguay my comment on the bad chess set into a big AD for your giant movie prop sunglasses. Nice going.
But you didn't address my main point. Understandably.
That you are using this forum to ADVERTISE all of your stuff! That is not allowed on this forum as I recall... you do it by trotting out yet another thing instead of the thing that was being addressed.
I may be narrow, but its not hard to miss that you are a giant walking advertisement. LOL

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21/08/2013 11:35 pm  

I won't say
it's your bad taste, and it's not a design problem. One mans junk is another mans treasure. How big does pop big have to be? 18 feet? And if it cost me $3 at the flea market, and I can sell it for $150, why wouldn't I buy it?
Here's what you don't get EH. I'm not buying this stuff to put in my house, but someone is going to put it in theirs. You might have pineapples in yours, and the neighbor might have owls. There's millions of collectors, on all scales, not just the 1,000 that frequent here. Just because you think something is art, doesn't mean they will. And just because they think something is art, doesn't mean you will.
I'm thinking for everybody. For you, and all of them, so back off a little bit and try to understand. This stuff you call junk brings as much as the pieces you talk about here on a regular basis. That's a fact, Jack. And I can prove it. Doesn't mean you have bad taste, or them. It means there's a market for other mid century items other than just what you collect, and I'm tapping it, and your uninformed about it.
The AD was for Think Big, not my sunglasses. That's called a reference. And I only mentioned it, cuz you clowned the chess set.
The forum is not allowed to advertise our stuff. Don't be a hypocrite. If that's the case, then why was the pottery around the home thread created? Why do we take pictures of anything if we're not advertising it in some way. Mark advertized his outfit the other day, and all his matching gucci belts, and shoes. I didn't have a problem with it.
I'm not trying to sell this shit here. I was just showing it like everyone else shows there's. It was all in good fun, and that was it. And that's the first time I did, and only because of the connection message from the shag. You guys post links all the time to sites, and magazine ads, and everything promoting shit, so wtf are you talking about. What's good for the goose, is good for the gander.

Illustrious Member
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21/08/2013 11:49 pm  

Big Difference
Mark is not selling his shorts.
Well, maybe.
Cmon, you know that woody showing his pottery collection is a far cry from you posting the hell out of that stove. No difference? Pffffft.

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21/08/2013 11:58 pm  

He might be...:) I posted 6 or 7 pics....out of 43. I hardly posted the hell out of it. I only posted the pics of the stove, because I wanted to show everyone how good of a job I did on the restoration. I was proud of it. I put almost 100 hours into it. A: "That looks nice!" was the extent of what I would have been looking for. Or for SDR to say: "well you can probably get your time back out of that". That's it. Not to peddle it here.
I know no one here would want that stove. It will sell to the same people that want the owl. That's the last thing I thought of was people here wanting to buy it. Look. I do plenty good enough on my site, to not have to try to sell items here. I have pride dude. I'm not that desperate. I'm here to learn, contribute, have fun, swap snappies, and talk shop about art. You may know a lot, but believe me, so do I.
Maybe I'm just covering too much area, and need to limit my scope. Maybe I see too much. Maybe I think too much. Maybe I need to smoke up. It's not my fault my brain is overflowing with the drive for knowledge.

Illustrious Member
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22/08/2013 12:12 am  

One man's junk... you're admitting its not about design for you at all, just about "treasure", and the profit you can turn on an object. Never once does design become a consideration in your thought process. Unless it equates to dollars.
As long as it sells.
You see in a wide scope all right. But at the same time, you have to look away from half the shit you are selling.
Dont feed me that "wider scope" nonsense.
You say sculpted carpet is "true art". Not to mention the"VERA" find.
The same habit that allows you to look past the truly bad while you make money-- also causes you to stay confused...
..about DESIGN.

Illustrious Member
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22/08/2013 12:15 am  

Hell, I'll sell my offer (plus tax)...size 31.
Aunt Mark

Illustrious Member
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22/08/2013 12:21 am  

yeah Mark
I picked the wrong place to make a stand huh...
Groovydude, I dont mean to make it so black and white.
I know you can see stuff.
Sorry I got upset. I see I am getting mean and I dont like it.

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22/08/2013 12:34 am  

I understand EH...
It's no big deal. But I'm not confused about design. I learn all that design, and your design, and their design, and then more, and more, and more. I want to take in everything you have to offer, plus the knowledge from the other 20 forums I belong to.
A person on here might know some mid century, but I want to know it all. Not just the big names. You might want to speak one or two languages, but I want to speak 50. That's what it's like. Every decade is a like a new language, and I wanna speak all of them, not just one or two. And I wanna speak every dialect of every language on top of it.
I want to see what you see, and so far beyond it's almost unimaginable. I don't want to tap 5% of everything that's ever been created, I want to tap all of it. To learn about all of it. The ultimate history lesson. You make that owl, or that painting, or that shag tree, and let's see what yours comes out like? In fact, that'd be a good project. Everyone make a shag tree like mine, and let's compare when you're all done. Let's see how untalented that person was.
To not call that stuff art, is to discredit anything that doesn't carry a brand name, and that's a very close minded way to think. labeling art by referencing it to someone's name only does not make it any more art than someone who is a no name. A no name artist can be appraised on antiques roadshow at $100,000, while a well known artist can be apprasied at $1,500.
None of us have the right, or authority to decide what's art, and what's not. It's up to the buyer to decide. We can only offer our opinion. If all this stuff never sold, I'd agree with you, but it's all vintage, and it all sells. And for good money. So somebody sees something in all of it. Another forum might rip all this stuff to shit, doesn't mean I'll agree. I'm looking for everyone. Everyone can't just love what you love.
It's all art dude, and if it's vintage, I want it in my life, and so does the masses. And that's what I'm gonna deliver. I'll make you happy, but I'll also make them happy. 717 positive feedbacks from museums, collectors, and all walks of life, with sale prices between $100, and $5,000. All day, everyday. All vintage. All this junk you rip on. Somebody loves it, and will pay top dollar for it, just like you will for something you love, and I get the pleasure of bringing it to everybody. It's a great feeling, and I love it.

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