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Doug O'Shea
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19/02/2012 12:20 am  

Could anyone give me clues as to who made this, and when.
There's a small makers mark/signature underneath.

Illustrious Member
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19/02/2012 3:59 am  

Quite the oddball.
Though, I must say it appears well done and I'm loving the dialogue with your sculptural piece atop.
It may be an ID mark on the bottom or it may be a test area for the hand carving?

Illustrious Member
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19/02/2012 4:22 am  

Well, it's not W Esherick, anyway. The maker may have employed an artist to create the decorative carving -- though the signature argues against that, I suppose.
What do you think of those square through-tenons, tk ? If the second photo is of the bottom of the piece, those might align with the central partitions. In which case, the signature is quite large ? And if we're looking at mahogany, what's that piece on the right -- the front apron ? -- with the strong medulary-ray figure ? Oak ?

Doug O'Shea
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19/02/2012 4:30 am  

Oh yes of course, hadn't...
Oh yes of course, hadn't thought of that......Hence it's hidden underneath, and the maker has splodged the stain on somewhat. And indeed, it is a bit odd, never seen anything similar but rather nicely made.
Current theories are it's simply a one off or maybe a sample that proved a bit costly (and fiddly) to produce. Thanks.

Doug O'Shea
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19/02/2012 4:34 am  

Footnote: It's all solid...
Footnote: It's all solid mahogony save the door which is veneered mahogany... of and the ply back which appears to include a bit of packing crate ! The stencil's visible inside the drawer....

Illustrious Member
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19/02/2012 5:11 am  

Doug, it's special, whatever it is.
Good luck with the ID.
I just wanna wax it and rub it awhile. The black could be brought up a bit. I'd use Renaissance Wax and a horsehair brush for those panels.
SDR, yeah, I saw those and the quartersawn oak veneer on the back(?). Makes me think it's a one-off or limited production.

Doug O'Shea
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19/02/2012 5:23 am  

Appreciated and...
Duly noted, am waiting to work out where exactly it will go.
Alas, the Brazier-Jones I noticed the fruitbowl/candlestick thing on top has scratched it, so I shall indeed get polishing. Thank you.

Illustrious Member
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19/02/2012 5:42 am  

Then again, if the incisions on the drawers
are as fresh as those on the bottom appear, it's probably best not to touch anything. I'd certainly not touch those.
I'd love to see a detail of the door hinge mortises.. and the stencil!

Doug O'Shea
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19/02/2012 4:44 pm  

a few more


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