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Sibast Furniture. J...

Sibast Furniture. Johannes Aasbjerg or Arne Vodder?  


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13/04/2015 6:45 pm  

I'm wondering who the designer is. I recently stumbled upon a few pics of some well-preserved pieces i am absolutely in love with. Left to this person as part of her Mothers Estate. I was hoping to share the pictures and get some input regarding the actual designers. Are all these pieces actually from Sibast? Did Johannes only create Teak Furniture and Arne specialise in Rosewood? Could there be pieces form other designers in-between? Either way i hope you appreciate the eye candy. Thanks in advance for your comments and input 🙂   
<img class="wpforo-default-image

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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13/04/2015 9:51 pm  

I can tell you for certain they aren't Johannes Aasbjerg.  He only designed for his own company: Excellent Furniture Company, also known as Aasbjerg and Ørtoft.  (Harry Ørtoft was his brother).  
Aasbjerg did execute designs in rosewood.  Primarily one can find his Langbord (which Illums Bolighus retailed) executed in rosewood.  But this is a bit off topic, as none of the pieces shown are Aasbjerg.
The sideboard is an Arne Vodder for Sibast.  Nice piece.

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13/04/2015 11:22 pm  

What a gorgeous set!  The table and chairs are by Rosengren Hansen for Brande Mobelfabrik.

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14/04/2015 1:35 am  

Sibast Furniture has recently re-launched manufacturing of some of its mid-century pieces under the leadership of Helge Sibast's grandchildren. I have previously sent them inquiries, and they are quite happy to assist in attribution if they can. They confirmed a chair I have as being designed by their grandfather.
Their website is: 

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16/04/2015 2:13 pm  

Wow this is soooo helpfull! Thank you! So interesting!


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