Design Addict


Show me your salad ...

Show me your salad utensils, so I may see thee  

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azurechicken (USA)
Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1966
23/01/2011 7:29 pm  

are we what we show...what we really use...or better what we design and make(sdr).I have a couple of pairs of blue shark salad sets(near useless).Oxo products much of it is quite good...I must now get two pairs if tongs.

Sound & Design
Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 1445
24/01/2011 7:59 am  

SDR, you friends crafted...
SDR, you friends crafted tongs and your reworking of that design is quite beautiful. The alternating cut for the handle, the beveled transition to the off centered scoop presents itself with an very pleasing grace. I hope you guys can find a greater outlet than 3 pairs.
Azurelobster...could you put the tongs down when typing.

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