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Shopping in Scandin...

Shopping in Scandinavia?  


New Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3
23/09/2013 5:49 am  

Will be in Copenhagen, Helsinki, and Oslo in November. Was wondering if anyone here has any shopping recommendations/tips for vintage design in any of those cities. Not so much the gallery stores, thinking more along the lines of second-hand shops, vintage & thrift shops, etc. I know the flea market season will most likely be over by this point. Any and all suggestions would be super welcome!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 4376
23/09/2013 8:29 pm  

In Denmark, look for
the word "Genbrug" which means "thrift" or the equivalent. There are a lot of little church thrift stores around but they have limited hours, like 10-2 or noon to 3 or whatever, and maybe only 4 days a week. It can be hard to catch them when they're open.
Copenhagen flea markets are great but I'm not sure there are any in November. Daylight hours are pretty short by then and it drizzles off and on most days, but maybe they have some indoor ones by now. (I lived there for a year in the late 90s and there wasn't much going on after September back then.)
The little time I spent in Sweden, I did see some thrifts and vintage shops. There was a nice one in Helsingborg but you probably won't go there as there wasn't much to see---seemed like mostly a place for the ferry to land and people to cart cheaper Danish liquor into the country, or maybe it was cheaper Swedish liquor being carted into Denmark, I forget.
Oh, there's Roxy Klassisk in Copenhagen--they do a lot of MCM Danish stuff but no bargain prices! Fun to look, though. (I found that in general, even non-dealer Danes know their stuff very well and it was hard to find any steals.)


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