It's not so complicated...
Unscrew by hand(unless the hardware is rusted and/or pitted). The components can all go into one box, something like a 20x24x24. Bubble wrap the components and then add peanuts, overstuffing. If you have any packing foam that is useful as well but not absolutely necessary. Then tape it up and ship it out.
Woo-Hoo! It arrived in one piece, in fact, all in one piece just as it left its last home. The shipper did just leave the entire chair intact to ship it via UPS.
Now that I have my precious I will probably start another thread so I can have some people hold my hand as I nervously undertake a few small repairs. Besides my partner there is no one else in a 50 mile radius (that I know) who understands my obsession or could give a flying fuck about a "rope edge" on a eames shell chair - or even knows what a RAR is.
As for the restoration work - there is one, 1 inch long crack on a bottom edge, which I'm not comfortable leaving as is because I don't want it to get any worse. Also,the wood rockers will need to be replaced for use in my home (though I will be safely keeping the well-worn originals as well.)
Anyone here have experience in the art of delicate restoration of rope-edge chairs here? Any work done I have done on this chair is with my heart firmly in my throat. (We usually do our own restorative work on pieces that need it, but I won't have any one but professionals touch this chair.)
If you need any help, please contact us at –