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Scanart design Info...

Scanart design Information?  


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Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 1
02/02/2013 7:38 pm  

I have recently purchased this bed and I can't seem to find any information on this company. I was able to locate a dining room set from the same company manufactured in 1965 but that is it. Does anyone know where I may be able to find any information on the company or who may have designed this piece? I apologize for the picture quality but these were the photos provided from the seller. It is a very large (119" wide including nightstands), king size bed with the Scanart design made in Denmark sticker still intact. I had heard that it may actually be new but, again, I'm not sure. All help will be appreciated.

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18/12/2015 4:20 am  

I bought a dining room set and side board when I was stationed in Nuremberg, Germany in 1971. It
was a catalog deal with a representative, and good references. A truck pulled up one evening as arranged, and they were gone in 20 minutes. Looking back, it worked perfectly, and I have been pleased. I wouldn't do it today.
Like your headboard! Unfortunately, they are not around anymore.


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