Design Addict


Right Brain v Left ...

Right Brain v Left Brain  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 659
06/05/2012 11:18 pm  

As we talk always about design, art, products, etc, I think could be interesting an approach on the Right - Left Brain notion, that's how we think, but we didn't think on that before, nor is -strangely- not so well seen on design schools, or design places.
Let start and be clear that of course we all are both, always use both. But some tend to use more one or the other for different things.
I put this here as help me to re-think and re-understand many DAers friends and their points. Most of our differences are better explain under the left-right brian shadow.
I'm not going to do a detailed explanation, but I thought/understood much better the ideas of :Dcwillson/Alix/Patrick/SDR/Heath/Adam/Vivian/Alexander//--/Koen/Olive/Fastfwrd/Robert/Riki/Mark/Niceguy/Brent/Simon/MAndersen/Spanky/WHM/Nick/Killian/Dan/Aaron/Ball/Barry/Whitespike/Lunchbox/Azurechicken/egboard/Lucifersum/woodywoody/jesgord/etc etc.
Can help to understand many ,,hidden,, thing such as, if you have the room tidy or with clutter, it depends on which side are you using (that's how I began to re-think about it).
Or that, by the way, the "collector" spirit is the left-rational side, while the artist is the creative. It's really interesting that are always trying to see - understand the creativity with the rationality.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 659
06/05/2012 11:22 pm  

Here there is an exercise
If clockwise, then you use more of the right side of the brain and if anti-clockwise, you use more of the left side of the brain.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 659
06/05/2012 11:27 pm  

Here is another excercise/picture I found interesting:
Learning the name of a color changes the part of the brain that handles color perception.
Infants perceive color in the right hemisphere of the brain, while adults do the job in the brain's left hemisphere by seeing the word instead of a clear perception of the color.
Testing toddlers showed that the change occurred when the youngsters learned the names to attach to particular colors, scientists have found.
It appears that somehow the brain, when it has categories such as color, it actually consults those categories rather than looking directly at a particular color.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 642
07/05/2012 3:48 am  

My left brain hangs lower than my right

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
07/05/2012 6:59 am  

My brain seems ambidextrous,
but great topic, gustavo! Actually my brain is probably chemically cooked. I just don't know......

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2358
26/05/2012 9:40 pm  

I don't pop in much these days, but I feel lucky that I did today, because this is excellent stuff you have dangled in front of designers.
Since the advent of modern brain scanning and mapping the last ten years, everything has changed but the way we think about how we perceive. 🙂

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2358
26/05/2012 9:42 pm  

P.S. Is Koen still with us?
I scanned the forum and found no recent posts by him.
Koen, il miglior fabbro, if you read this, take good care.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1208
28/06/2012 8:00 am  

Apologies, gustavo...
Had alot going on of late. Haven't been around much. Very interesting topic from you, as always.
I think I live most days with both sides of my brain locked in a tug of war. There's the side with all the whimsical "just let go and damn the man" sentiments. And then there's the concerned control freak on the other side who would dissect a child's piano recital with the utmost contempt if allowed to do so.
Don't know that it's so much about artist or collector, etc...
P.S. Surely that twirly lady thing is a trick, right? She was going clockwise when I found this thread earlier. And now counter-clockwise she goes. Oi.


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