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Retro chrome open b...

Retro chrome open back chairs. Trying to find the maker  


Famed Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 327
22/04/2012 8:45 am  

Hi. I bought 3 of these chairs today, and they were so funky looking I just took a chance on them. Does anyone know who made these? Thanks

Illustrious Member
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22/04/2012 9:24 am  

Hmm --
a "clunky" version of the Brno chair ? Not bad, really. The shapes look right, though the seat is almost skinnier than the tube !
I wonder where the joint in the tubing is placed -- I don't see one. Maybe welded, ground, and plated ?

Illustrious Member
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22/04/2012 10:48 am  

Looks like the Brno tubular chair. Any markings?

Illustrious Member
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22/04/2012 12:01 pm  

I sold
some very similar that were by Thonet in fact. Nice chairs

Famed Member
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23/04/2012 12:30 am  

There's no markings. It's bla...
There's no markings. It's black cloth/felt stuff underneath. They're super soft, and comfortable. I wonder if that fabric is original? I saw some kind of a bolt going through the seat from the sides holding it in place. Not much else though. It's pretty seamless.

Illustrious Member
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23/04/2012 12:39 am  

Nice chairs!
and in a very tasteful textile, as well.
All the best,

Famed Member
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Posts: 327
23/04/2012 12:48 am  

I've been doing a lot of look...
I've been doing a lot of looking at those chairs, and it seems like some are thicker than others in the fabric section. It seems like some have thick foam, and others look basically as thin as mine. I wonder if they found a way to slim it down with time, while still keeping the functionality.

Famed Member
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Posts: 327
23/04/2012 1:36 am  

I'm glad you said that, becau...
I'm glad you said that, because I was debating on whether they should of been black or something, but seeing on the net that this chair was designed so far back, the fabric is fitting. It's mainly a blueish blend, but is full of various colors, and is woven in a tiny grid pattern.
I was so on these when I saw them. I tried to walk away but just kept turning around, and going over them again, and again, but just couldn't decide for a minute when they were made. I just knew inside by the massive swing, the chrome, the extension behind the back, the scuffs in the metal, and seamless lines (no screws, bolts, etc.) that they were older. I felt as if too much time were put into them to be mass produced.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4586
23/04/2012 2:09 am  

There's nothing like vintage fabric.
except vintage paint on an automobile...and maybe original teeth?


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