Design Addict


Retailer Helpline

Retailer Helpline  


New Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3
26/07/2013 10:55 pm  

Calling all retailers,
The time to make a throwaway account is here. I've got questions for you which might be personal but I'm writing in earnest to find some hardknocked honest answers. We've all dreamed of opening a gallery and we've all heard nightmare stories and "don't do it", but there are obviously success stories and failures- I welcome both in this thread.
Some questions I'd like to see answered:
What's your sales goal? How many units do you move annually? How do you acquire GOOD clients (decorators, collectors, etc)? What's your mission statement, what designer do you love to buy and sell? What are some emerging trends that you are seeing? What mistakes do people often make that sends them spiraling? How long did it take before you realized you had made it or failed? How close are you to a major city and what are your opinions on location? How many of your sales come from the Internet? How many of your sales come from the sales floor? How many of your sales come from trade shows? What's the driving force behind your sales and what's your best advice in this area?
Feel free to hit any major points you think I'm missing and don't be afraid to write a novel, I promise I'll read it.
Okay, go.

Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 225
26/07/2013 11:55 pm  

Hi geeemess, I'm a retailer and I like to answer short and sweet:
I know what the majority of all retailers is doing wrong, but I don't tell it. 🙂
Sorry and have a nice time.

New Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3
27/07/2013 12:47 am  

Thank you onno for your...
Thank you onno for your insightful words.
Also, as a sidenote, if anyone is worried about discretion, please feel free to email me at
Thanks again!

Honorable Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 120
27/07/2013 6:13 am  

Weird tread question. I'm doubting any dealers are going to give you a straight answer to your questions. You can't really put a price on knowledge and experience. Success in this business is from years and years of hard work. Seems foolish to expect for people to fill you in on the workings of the business.

Prominent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 172
27/07/2013 2:01 pm  

Why not just be a bit more...
Why not just be a bit more to the point here.
Maybe something like this,
I want to open a gallery but are too damn lazy to do my own reasearch.Can anyone here please send me their complete busines plan,all their confidential information as well as all their tips learned over many hard slogged years on how to run a gallery.
Then if you are really unlucky I will open my own gallery next to you.
Now go.
Actually hold on,beer,chips,comfy chair,turn on Tv,.
Ok ready now go and I will check back when the sport has finished.


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