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Repurpose barcelona...

Repurpose barcelona chair (frame)  


New Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1
18/10/2012 2:38 am  

Hi all!
I recently acquired a really cheap second hand frame for the beautifull barcelona chair (with horrible and very fake cushions). I always loved the barcelona chair which made me buy the frame isntantly, but now I need some ideas: how best to use it? I could off course buy some replacement cushions and end up with a normal barcelona chair, but I'm hoping for better ideas!
Hope you have some suggestions.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 2534
22/10/2012 5:22 am  

The expense of new cushions to try and make it look 'real' doesn't feel right to me and is a waste of bucks I think.
I'd replace the straps properly or afix them with chicago screws as was suggested on another thread a while ago and then just get some plain feather filled fabric cushions made up, no piping or buttoning in grey or red wool or whatever you fancy.
Have a look at how some of the original Tugendhat chairs were done, plaid or mauve leather from memory.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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22/10/2012 6:04 am  

I'm reminded of
bringing home a Womb Chair frame from the dump -- the shell long gone (burned in place, as I remember it). Then came the question: what to build for it ? I was a high-schooler, with not enough experience or idea to fill the bill.
I recently replaced the straps on a bad Barc love seat -- see different thread -- with plywood, using the existing (oversized) cushions.
I take it your straps are intact ?
Tell me about "off course" as a stand-in for "of course". I've seen this from a Dane. Where are you located ?


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