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Reproduction Tulip ...

Reproduction Tulip chairs in the $175 to $200 range  

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21/04/2010 6:53 am  

I'm thinking of getting them for the kitchen. Are they any good? they are all over ebay etc.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
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21/04/2010 6:54 am  


Illustrious Member
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21/04/2010 6:54 am  

Is this a joke?

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22/04/2010 5:05 am  

not a joke
i dont believe in paying premium prices. i have corbusier knock offs i bought a decade ago and they are like new and cant tell apart from knoll.

Illustrious Member
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22/04/2010 6:04 am  

Ok, but
how do they compare to Cassina?

Modern Love
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22/04/2010 6:13 am  

that speaks for itself.

Famed Member
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22/04/2010 7:21 am  

Dude, how did you end up...
Dude, how did you end up here? You definitely took a wrong turn somewhere!

Trusted Member
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22/04/2010 11:22 am  

I agree with reprolover
There are some quality reproductions out there. Plycraft chairs for example were originally considered poor mans eames loungers, and similarly burke chairs were called knockoffs. Who is to say which modern reproductions will eventually be considered classics? For a forum that seems to be open minded for the most part, i am surprised at how harsh some individuals can be. Shame.

Modern Love
Illustrious Member
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22/04/2010 8:13 pm  

Last I checked Plycraft chairs still are considered poor mans eames loungers, and burke chairs still are called knockoffs.
You come to a design forum to say shame on us for supporting original design? How ironic.

Illustrious Member
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22/04/2010 8:39 pm  

I have to agree that this is...
I have to agree that this is ironic. This is a DESIGN forum, not a STYLE forum. We aren't supporting a style per se, but rather the DESIGNers. STYLE has no substance. A DESIGNer can be admired for their substance that reaches far beyond the confines of one chair design, or a look. A designer's range of products, to their original specifications, can offer a look inside their design methodologies and manifestos. It's a deeper look beyond, "wow, that chair sure is pretty."
To state the obvious the Eameses, for example, are more widely celebrated for their perspective and attitude towards design more than one design in particular. Sure they created a "look," but only in response to the way in which their wonderful minds worked. Knock-offs give you an inferior, and usually physically incorrect (from the original design/intent), product that does not exude the same intent and quality as an original.
For me, it's hard to find inspiration in something that was created solely for monetary gain (jumping on a trend bandwagon) rather than a design that was actually born out of inspiration. If inspiration wasn't put into it, how can you get inspiration out of it? And don't we seek things that inspire us to better our own lives and our own endeavors/creative efforts?
DOn't think for a minute that ANYONE here disagrees that originals cost a lot. And in many cases, too much. Many of us here have no money as well. I know I don't. But where there is a will, there is a way. Many of us search endlessly for our finds. Many of us do not buy from Design Within Reach, Highbrow Furniture and the like. I know I don't. And my home is filled with designer pleasures .... and there are holes yet to be filled. But instead of filling them with some imposter, I just wait patiently for the next find. Be it five years from now, or next week. A hole is much more satisfying to me than some heartlessly wrought mirage of what was once inspired and good.
So, do not think we are simply snobs. That is just one way to look at it. There is always another side. This is a site for design, often frequented by designers ... who appreciate and understand the hard work and dedication to create. Who understand how frustrating it would be to have someone copy your work and sell a Wal-Mart version of it. Sure, they can sell it cheaply. But they make it cheaply, and only two weeks after you spent years of blood, sweat and tears doing the research, development & design.

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22/04/2010 8:58 pm  

Give me a break!
what a bunch of pretentious you-know-whats. i'm not here to start a flame war. i love and admire interesting furniture design and we have a house filled with design "stuff" that most of the snobs here would be envious of. but why would i be a schmuck enough to pay hundreds of dollars for a tulip armchair with red cushions for our knock off tulip table (that looks totally like the 'real' thing and has lasted years of daily use without a chip, cost $400) when i can buy two of the chairs for $500 on ebay that look great, will certainly last a long time and will be there simply to sit my ass down when i read the times and eat my bagel. gimme a you know what break!!!!!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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22/04/2010 9:28 pm  

Now, now reprolover. I have n...
Now, now reprolover. I have no problem with you or your desire to buy knock-offs. I simply stated my side and tried to explain my reasons beyond being a "snob." It has nada to do with labels, or cost et al. I admire the people who provided the designs more than the designs themselves - and that is all.
And even if I was a snob as you suggest, at least I don't make personal insults. At least I have that going for me! 😉
I have as much right as you to my opinion! If you don't want a "flame war" then don't flame people. But feel free to flame my views ... nothing wrong with a friendly debate!
Perhaps this is a better website for you where you can find like-minded individuals.

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22/04/2010 10:10 pm  

Didnt mean to insult....
sorry. it was just a rant against those like the guy above who said...dude etc etc. debate is fine. i just think those who think the so-called original is the best are wrong-minded. but they are able to have their opinion.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 13 years ago
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22/04/2010 10:25 pm  

Lawd, how
did I miss this one for 24 hours? OK, I've got my wine and my little nosh--carry on.

Ark of Decorati...
Noble Member
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22/04/2010 10:40 pm  

You are both correct
You are both correct. The three basic requirements are landed cost, good design, and good manufacturing tolerances. During these times (and generally all times) some design retail outlets and certain individuals are in financial peril. This may (it does for me) translate into .25 to .35 cents on the sugested retail dollar for acquisition of "brand name design icons". At the point a person is able to purchase an item of superior quality for a price equal to or lower than the inferior competion and return on investment is taken into consideration it is "cost effective" to purchase the "brand name" item. A nation wide search (other than eBay) for any or all retail outlets distributing the brand (or item) desired and contact is easy and effective. Buying furniture is a business tranaction in which emotional issues and financial questions cloud the primary purpose of acquiring the very best for the very least. Somebody somewhere "desperately needs" your disposable income more than their design icons. Find them and take advantage of the situation. Show no mercy and take no prisoners!

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