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Repair your Herman ...

Repair your Herman Miller Eames lounge chair?  

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Illustrious Member
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05/05/2010 2:08 am  

Boy, boys, this is no...
Boy, boys, this is no pissing contest. Take it elsewhere eh? I'm sure we've all heard good reviews about the both of you. There can be more than one Eames repairman in the United States. It's a big country. At least you only have each other to compete with ... try being a musician or designer.
That being said, you look like a couple of hothead loonies on here fighting like a bunch of kids. What does that say to your prospective clients? When there's a disagreement, instead of fixing ti you'll just yell and stomp your foot?

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26/07/2010 1:02 am  

Its always sunny
Eames Shock Mounts Design Flaw...Poppy Cock !!
Its a maintainance issue that should be addresses every 25years or so.
Its ridicules to say that a wooden block with t nuts will out perform a solid neoprene and steel shock mount, anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves and has become a laughing stock to this industry.
Its amusing to read the comments and at times insults of a company that claims to have solved the dreaded 'Eames Design Flaw' when at the end of the day they are affecting the strength, value and integrity of the product that they are fixing.
Restoration: the action of returning something to its former condition.
Repair: make good by fixing it.
(edited by DA - no advertising please!)

Illustrious Member
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26/07/2010 1:08 am  

Is this going to be the new Mahogany Association thread?.........stop bumping it up!

neil williams
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11/02/2011 1:10 pm  

Shock Mounts what parts to use?
I have read Peter and Alfie's bickering with interest, but am none the wiser.
I need to replace my shock mounts and these seem to be the options:-
Peter's wooden/neoprene gizmo price unknown
Alfie's authentic(not according to Peter) mounts $99/pair
Special K $27.99 each
Graham Mancha £42 each (Genuine part)
Herman Miller - do they supply direct? cost? contact?
I have seen elsewhere that Scotch-weld 1838 A/B is the stuff to use. Is this correct?
Special K do their own glue for $7.99, which is pretty cheap - is this any good?
Graham Mancha £45,60
Any chance of some expert, but impartial feedback?

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09/04/2011 1:02 am  

Eames Lounge Chair
So many people responded to this topic! I had to say sometimes it's very difficult to choose from all kinds of manufactures and varied qualities. From a user prospective, I would definitely recommend the Eames Lounge Chair from because their style is the closest to the original and quality guaranteed. I tried it for once, it was so comfy to sit on and so elegant to have in your living room or office:) If someone likes the eames lounge chair as I do, they should look into ---.
Edited by DA: No advertising in the forum please!

Illustrious Member
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09/04/2011 1:17 am  

Tsk tsk-I smell shameless self promotion
Not even close to the subject matter,mind you.Let's pounce on anything that says Eames.

Trusted Member
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09/04/2011 2:07 am  

Two plugs back to back--this and the womb chair. Classy.

Ronnie K
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19/01/2012 11:08 pm  

Shock repairs
I like what you said about maintenance.
If 1 arm shock dried up, how many more shocks will do that and what would be the repair costs?

Peter Triestman...
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22/01/2012 11:11 pm  

Replace four old Eames Lounge 670 shocks at one time
(edited by DA - link removed - no advertising please)

John D.
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23/01/2012 6:29 am  

DIY shock mount repair
My repair has been working for 5.5 years. Good luck.

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27/11/2014 9:28 am  

What company should we send our old eame lounge chair to for repair, the back fell off this morning
Can someone help?

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