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Recent Ralph Lauren...

Recent Ralph Lauren bedding  

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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1879
05/12/2009 3:54 am  

Oyl, really? I'd of gone...
Oyl, really? I'd of gone with jerkstore

Estimable Member
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05/12/2009 4:21 am  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
05/12/2009 4:49 am  

Barry it's you who cannot...
Barry it's you who cannot accept anyone else's opinions. If someone doesn't like something you do, you act as if they insulted your mother.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2649
05/12/2009 6:42 am  

I have no problem if someone doesn't like my taste
but in a joking way, some of the replies have a way of making me (at least) feel like it's something of a personal attack,
People have no problem claiming IT'S UGLY, rather than IT'S NOT MY TASTE. People then post 'funny' pictures to make fun of the person. It doesn't just happen to me...I see others doing to others too.
It's not very civil, and sometimes, it hurt my feelings. Based on the reactions to my reactions, I'm not allowed to have feelings, which is a shame.
It's been quite a while since I got a compliment from anyone on something I've posted. It has happened, but it's damn rare.

Robert Leach
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05/12/2009 12:53 pm  

I've kept out of this until now
but Barry, if you post stuff to invite criticism, be it positive or negative, then criticism is what you should expect... it's never going to be all good.
It's rather an extreme design, so has invited extreme opinions.
A lot of the comments you feel were negative and derogatory were actually about some other bedding altogether.
The culture of posting funny pics started on the Mahogany Association thread, and is actually rather amusing- Brent took it in good humour, although I'm sure he would dearly love that thread to disappear 😉

Mike Mozart
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05/12/2009 3:26 pm  

Pweeze Forgive Me!
When the Thread started Spiraling out of control, I thought I'd cheer things up a bit. Pweeze Forgive my funny Pictures! I only said I Luved the Sheets! I feel like I Piddled on a Florence Knoll Sofa!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
07/12/2009 12:09 am  

If you like it Berry that...
If you like it Berry that is all that matters....should be the end of the discussion. not gonna please everyone.

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