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Recent Ralph Lauren...

Recent Ralph Lauren bedding  

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Illustrious Member
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04/12/2009 10:56 pm  

As rockland put it, just get the pillowcases. Since I'm handy with a sewing machine, I occasionally buy just one pillow case and turn it into two toss pillows. A big bang for a small buck. I've done that with the Marimekko Unikka, above. I've also discovered that I can take a standard American style sheet set and convert the top and bottom sheets into a duvet cover. Since I haunt the closeouts, it's a great way to get what would be too expensive otherwise. Have you ever seen what a high threadcount, king-size duvet cover generally runs for? YIKES! And by going with just the duvet over a typical American sheets and blankets arrangement, I save money and storage space! Not to mention that it takes me about 30 seconds to make the bed!

Illustrious Member
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04/12/2009 10:58 pm  

Fercrissakes sakes Barry, not again!
W-H-C was talking about the link above her post! Why are you always SO touchy? It's not always about you! In this case it's about the bedding and people's reaction to it. You are welcomed to enjoy yours, no one ever said otherwise!

Illustrious Member
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04/12/2009 11:02 pm  

Uh barry
We're not even talking about you!

Mike Mozart
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04/12/2009 11:08 pm  

Why is Everone Grouchy? That bedding Kicks Ass!
Well it kicks blue ass for certain! I'll tell Papa Smurf! I'll hold my breathe until I turn ...... What Color WOULD Smurf turn?

Mike Mozart
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04/12/2009 11:18 pm  

That bedding is VERY POPULAR
Here are people lining up for the last known unsold store stock!

Illustrious Member
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04/12/2009 11:27 pm  

I WAS referring to the Kiki de Montparnasse bedding that dcwilson linked to, immediately before-- pillow cases with embroidered "FUCK" and "SLEEP" on either side. Sorry if that was unclear.
(Didn't you find it a wee bit strange that I'd keep using the word "fuck", were I weighing the virtues of your Ralph Lauren sheet set?)

Estimable Member
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04/12/2009 11:49 pm  

If a million monkeys sew...
If a million monkeys sew cloth for a million years....
No offence intended in my first reply Barry, it's just not my thing - needless to say I'm not alone.
Don't take it personally ;o)

Illustrious Member
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04/12/2009 11:58 pm  

you don't think:
I see them appealing more to a blue-collar lottery-winner type, who suddenly finds himself getting laid after a lifetime of celibacy. Who but a recent virgin would find the word "fuck" so titillating?
is negative and a bit mean-spirited? Gosh, I sure do.
If you read through my posted opinions, you'd be hard-pressed to find any comments that might be thought of as commenting on the person doing the posting.

Illustrious Member
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05/12/2009 12:52 am  

Fer-cryin-out-loud, Barry--
I was imagining the person who'd buy the 'fuck' pillow cases, I was NOT talking about you.
Did you fail to note that I ALREADY denied attacking you, and offered a totally plausible explanation? If I had the chutzpah to do the former, why would I then reverse myself and deny it?
Must I preface every comment I make with the disclaimer "this isn't about barrympls OR his pillow shams", from now on?

Illustrious Member
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05/12/2009 12:56 am  

I guess not everyone is ready for Kiki's sense of humor... 🙂
Anyway, I was just having some fun.
Now, to the RL bedding that barry likes.
It is too much for my house-house.
But it would look good at a beach house IMHO that one went to for short stints.

Illustrious Member
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05/12/2009 1:03 am  

Barry, must we have these...
Barry, must we have these conversations every quarter? You need to grow some thicker skin. No one was talking about you. And, if someone was being mean about a design, who cares? It is not about you. Or even the designer of the product in question. It is about the design itself. Lighten up. They make pills for this you know...

Illustrious Member
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05/12/2009 1:21 am  

Barry, my boy...
you have self esteem issues and I'm sorry for that, wish I could help ya. But you never seem to learn from your mistakes. Thread after thread goes sour because you think we're all out to get you. PLEASE! future, carefully read the posts before you whine that it's all about poor you, OK?
W-H-C, my apologies, I fogot you were 'she' not 'he'.

Illustrious Member
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05/12/2009 1:51 am  

Thanks Olive and W-H-C
Obviously your judgement is far superior to mine.
This is what happens when I simply try to show something cool that I find, then instead of opinions about it, the thread becomes something else entirely.
I don't require judgement on my posts from you, Olive. You seem to think that any comment about the level of replies is 'whining', then so be it. It's not anymore your forum site than it is mine, and I thank you to not make a comment that might appear to be personal. You don't know me, and I don't appreciate your passing judgement on me at all.
The sarcastic 'humor' usually found here these days are usually not all that funny. I have just as much right to my opinion as you, don't I?
I'm sorry that my post causes you guys to make such comments and 'jokes'.
It would be refreshing to see some nicer comments, but I guess a number of collectors are just waiting to make silly or stupid comments. I do too, but nowhere as often as you guys do.
Such a bunch of interesting people!

Illustrious Member
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05/12/2009 2:17 am  

I'm sorry everybody...
I bought into barry's sob story yet again. I apologize that I keep falling for it. It won't happen again.

Illustrious Member
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05/12/2009 3:30 am  

Sob story
what a nice person you are. By the way, is your last name Oyl?

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