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Real SPutnik 1 Ceil...

Real SPutnik 1 Ceiling Lamp (updated pics)  


Famed Member
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Posts: 361
08/12/2011 12:10 am  

Hi guys,
Well, I applied myself and produced a new type of sputnik lamp!
Rather than go with the typical 24 arm or 12 arm...I decided to have a real sputnik lamp.
The chrome ball is 8", and the dish is 16".
The Antennae are 2 x 25 & 2 x 40" lengths. I included details right down to the wiring on the sockets that enter the ball with grove patterns and mounts like the real sputnik.
The light is emitted through a whole in the chrome ball and reflects off the dish. For the dish I went for a "Metropolis" look - I wanted it that old space-invader-from-the-30's feel.
The reflector is glass and the real trick was to mount a bracket that held the lamp in place - yet exerted no stress on the glass dish - and, to ensure the weight could really be supported.
I will get some close-ups of the antennae and stuff (which glow in the dark!!) to show the real detail.
Right now I wanted it up and to surprise my girl when she comes home from work today.
There are some cosmetic issues - but I wanted to ensure she doesn't want the orientation changed before I put on the final finishing touches to the support arm.
Yep, it is a little off-the-wall.
Well? Is it worthy of the forum?
- A.S.
<img class="wpforo-default-image-attach

Famed Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 361
08/12/2011 1:36 am  

3 More pics...
Here are some closer ones, also showing the back...

Illustrious Member
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08/12/2011 1:49 am  


Famed Member
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08/12/2011 1:54 am  

Thank you Mark.
If it didn't have the antennae, you would not know it was Sputnik.
That is kind of a requirement. Here is a pic of Sputnik.

Illustrious Member
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08/12/2011 2:03 am  


Famed Member
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08/12/2011 2:26 am  

Now that, I can agree on!
Yes, we are actually going to be getting rid of those drapes - good spot.
The antennae have no function. The purpose of the lamp is soley to invoke a sense of remembrance if you happen to like Sputnik 1 and the historic nature of the event - when man said hello to the universe.
There had to be some detail in those rods to be true to Sputnik 1 - otherwise it would just be a chrome ball with 4 rods - not very aesthetic. There are hatches marked on the piece, too as in the original sputnik 1, though I haven't photographed those as yet.
This would qualify as decorative art for certain. There is no function or form for any specific purpose with this piece.
Simply, it would be the equal of having your favorite car or toy etc, turned into a lamp - although this project was somewhat more difficult than that.
I wasn't seeking any kind of approval - just thought I would share a home project on the forum, be it enjoyed or hated.
I fully expect lunchbox to come in on the thread and point out that this is a reproduction/knock off of the real Sputnik 1 and I should be ashamed of myself.
- A.S.

Illustrious Member
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08/12/2011 4:32 am  

Rage on !
Well done -- don't stop now. I like what you've accomplished, and encourage you to solve whatever problems you perceive. It's a worthwhile endeavor (to invoke another space shot . . .)

Illustrious Member
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08/12/2011 4:55 am  

If it starts
a cold war (or, at least, causes RF interference), it's a success.

Illustrious Member
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08/12/2011 5:54 am  

To quote Melina Mercouri, in
"Genius !"


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