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RHF 1962 , maker ??...

RHF 1962 , maker ???  

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mike nz
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15/08/2010 4:48 pm  

Hi, i have a teak sideboard with RHF1962 stamped on the inside,it came from the UK, im trying to find who the maker is, can you help??
thanks mike.

Robert Leach
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15/08/2010 5:21 pm  

be a retailers mark.... as in R**** Home Furnishers ??
A photo would help immensely

mike nz
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16/08/2010 1:18 am  

how do i get a photo on...
how do i get a photo on here??

Sound & Design
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16/08/2010 1:21 am  

Click link. It's a...
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Robert Leach
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16/08/2010 1:24 am  

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Illustrious Member
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31/07/2011 10:30 pm  

Hi Mike Nz,
Did you ever have any luck ID'ing your sideboard? I've just picked up a sideboard which sounds like it could be the same or similar. Photos to follow shortly...

Illustrious Member
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31/07/2011 11:40 pm  

Here it is...
.. the stamp is upside-down and looks like PHF, but it could be RHF, as it hasn't been stamped properly. Same year as Mike NZ's sideboard: 1962.
I'm hoping that it could be RHF, and that the RH stands for Robert Heritage? It does look at little similar to some of his sideboards too.
Any ideas?

Robert Leach
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31/07/2011 11:42 pm  

I think Yes
likely Robert Heritage ....
..or Richard Hornby?

shipwright (UK)
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01/08/2011 12:12 am  

those are closer to robert...
those are closer to robert hornby's drawers

Robert Leach
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01/08/2011 12:52 am  

both designed pieces with 'reeded' drawer fronts, but Heritage's usually had scooped handle recesses and knobs, so yes, this sideboard probably more likely Richard Hornby.

Illustrious Member
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01/08/2011 1:00 am  

that's what I was thinking, but...
...looking at Hornby's designs it didn't look like he used rosewood in this way, the rosewood doors look more like a Heritage design to me? I've never been able to find much info on Hornby though, so I could be mistaken

Robert Leach
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01/08/2011 1:08 am  

Being 1962
it's later than Hornby's stuff for Fyne Lady, so could be by him I guess, although the rosewood, as you say, is more typical of Robert Heritage, although I would have thought Archie Shine would have been making Heritage's stuff at this time, so it would be marked accordingly?
Hmm.. not sure!

Illustrious Member
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01/08/2011 1:25 am  

tricky isn't it?!
the other unusual thing is that the grain of the wood on the side panels is horizontal, as opposed to vertical.

Trusted Member
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01/08/2011 1:52 am  

Hi, the sideboard was made by Eon, a British company. We have had lots of variations on this design and only two out of twenty of more examples had the label, it's a silver sticker with a lozenge shaped border and Eon in blue in the centre and I guess they often peel off. You sometimes find them with the 'Grange furniture' disk in the drawer but this was the retail outlet rather than the maker. I'm not sure who the designer was but without a doubt it's not a Robert Heritage piece.

Robert Leach
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01/08/2011 2:22 am  

= Elliots of Newbury.
Yes, the legs look right for EON
Wonder what the RFH is then, a retailer as I first thought?

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