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RAR base - Australi...

RAR base - Australia  


Eminent Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 35
08/09/2011 5:37 am  

Any advice on how best to source/freight a quality base to fit to a RAR. Im aware of the large US company (Mod...) which produces Eames shells/bases but was was curious as to whether there are others who ship quality bases to Australia.


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08/09/2011 10:28 am  

As far as I know...
When it comes to buying just the rocker base I think your best bet is the source you know - Mod....a. Most people seem to think these are of decent quality and closely resemble the original design. I have noticed on eBay a sudden proliferation of eames chair repro bases from Hong Kong - I have no idea of their quality. There are also a number of companies that produce knock offs so cheaply you could almost buy the chair just for the base, but again the quality is an unknown and I doubt very good considering.
I would say the source you already found is probably your safest bet.
I'm a purist and only want all original bases with my chairs but all the same I'll be facing a similar decision. I have an all original RAR but I don't want to put any more wear on my original wood rockers, but still want to have and use the chair in my lounge. So I'm looking into buying some modern wood rockers (might have to buy them with a base, can't find the wood slats only so far) for everyday use on my RAR, and safely wrap and store the originals.
If I manage to do this soon I will give you my opinion of the quality and source of my purchase.

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08/09/2011 11:10 am  

RAR Base Aust.
Thanks for your reply tinyarmada. I think i will go with your suggestion. I'm a purist (in the ideal world) but the tyranny of distance means that finding 8 original RAR bases to match the shells in Australia would be nothing short of a miracle.
I've noticed the Hong Kong repros floating around but sight unseen i would question the quality so will freight one from the US to start with and see how it goes.
Thanks again.

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12/09/2011 8:15 am  

Maybe hong kong
I just read someone confirmed that at least the metal part (maybe the whole thing) of Modernica RAR bases are made in china - so maybe those ones floating around eBay aren't such a bad idea, paeticularly with your location. I'd be pretty sure the factory making the Modernica bases are making the ones popping up on eBay from Asia, can't imagine too many factories making these. Just an FYI

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Posts: 35
15/09/2011 12:54 pm  

thanks for that


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