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Pricing on herman m...

Pricing on herman miller replacement parts  

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Illustrious Member
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09/07/2008 10:12 pm  

Great news everyone! As a long time Eames addict I may finally be getting my hands on a 670! Broken, of course, but I do loves me a project. So...

I'm not sure exactly how broken it is - the woman suggests that it is the back panel and the seat panel that are broken. She doesnt mention anything about the shockmounts...

How much can I expect to cough up for replacement panels in walnut veneer? The price is good but I may try to talk her down if these parts are extremely expensive. Is there anyone cheaper than going directly through Herman Miller?

Illustrious Member
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10/07/2008 12:38 am  

I thought for sure
I thought for sure LRF would have weighed in on this! Oh well.. I'm off to look at/buy the chair tomorrow if things go according to plan.

Reputable Member
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10/07/2008 4:50 am  

parts are posted on ebay every now and then. i've seen several 670/671 parts on there of late.

Fungus Mungus (USA)
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10/07/2008 5:12 am  

shockmounts for sure
Most likely the shock mounts are broken as the end result is the back of the chair separating from the seat. The average Joe doesn't know the phrase "shock mount" from a hole in the ground, so to them "the back is broken".
How is the upholstery? If the upholstery is good, and the veneer isn't too damaged, it might be worth fixing. Depends on the price you have to pay.
Hume Modern in LA will fix a chair that has broken shock mounts (even if the veneer is damaged)... but it will probably set you back about $1000 as the whole set of shells will have to be refinished to match them up to the repaired areas.
If the shock mount gave way cleanly without tearing up the veneer, this could be a $350 job from HM or Hume. I just had HM replace my shockmounts *before* they gave way for $350 plus shipping to HM.

Illustrious Member
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11/07/2008 2:39 am  

Fungus - you are correct! none of the wood is broken - just a clean shockmount tearout, and only on one side. Still, to this woman the chair was ruined. She said she wasn't interested in replacing it (her husband insisted on some bland anonymous lounge instead)
I was able to pick up the chair this morning before heading into the office so I haven't had a very close look at it. I'm pretty sure its just one side, but, worst case scenario both sides need to be reglued - the price of the chair allows for that!

Illustrious Member
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11/07/2008 9:34 am  

well lrf is weighing in ...
well lrf is weighing in and you sound like you got a great deal a set of shock mount from Alfi Hume should cost around 80 bucks and be sure to get the right apoxi to bond
Alfi will give you instructions how to repair it , the best thing is if you do it your self
The chair needs to be off limits to any one for at least 14 days as that is how long it takes to bond. make sure your surface is completely clean, sounds like they never tried to drill a hole in the sides good luck sounds like you have a nice project.

Fungus Mungus (USA)
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12/07/2008 4:13 am  

That's great...
That's great news! Congratulations on your find.
I'm very much a DIY kind of guy, but when it comes to my Eames lounge, I decided to let pros do it. I really didn't want to always second-guess my handiwork every time I sat in that chair. The $350 was well-spent for the peace of mind.

Illustrious Member
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12/07/2008 5:07 am  

Sounds like yours is in good shape.
Don't forget about Mancha for needed below
And e-bay right now has arm rests and a seat shell and shock mounts
in separate auctions.
(i repaired my seat shell with fiberglass and marine apoxy-couldn't bare
to throw it out and it is stronger now:))

Illustrious Member
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13/07/2008 9:49 pm  

I have
I have disassembled the whole thing and dropped a box in the mail to Alfie at HumeModern. I tried gluing an LCW once and I couldnt figure out any type of epoxy that worked well enough let the pros handle that bit.

kdc (USA)
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14/07/2008 10:05 pm  

good going, luci-su
congrats on the good grab! 'twould be nice to get a pictorial progress report on occasion, and certainly the requisite before/after photos at the end of the process.

Illustrious Member
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14/07/2008 10:11 pm  

Best of luck,......
hope it comes back in perfect vintage-looking condition.

Peter Triestman...
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15/07/2008 6:42 pm  

Eames Lounge Chair Shock Mount Replacements Repair
(edited by DA - no advertising on the forum, please)

Illustrious Member
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15/07/2008 9:51 pm  

I would LOVE if it came back in beautiful vintage condition. Unfortunately the woman who owned it sat in it maybe four times since she bought it two years ago. Aside from the break it looks like it just came out of the box - the cushions look like inflated inner tubes and are matte black. No character, no patina. I'm going to have to sit in this thing every day until I'm thirty before it looks the way I want it to. *sigh* the trials we go through! 😀

Fungus Mungus (USA)
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16/07/2008 3:48 am  

How old is that chair?
The chair is only 2 years old, she sat in it maybe 4-5 times and the shockmounts broke already? This is chair is from the late 50s and the shockmounts were just starting to squeak, so I had them replaced. Makes me worry about the repair that HM did.

Illustrious Member
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16/07/2008 3:58 am  

If the chair where just ...
If the chair where just two years old it should have gone back to Herman miller cause that is a flaw and they would take care of it.
Peter Tristman has a great company and he knows what he is talking about anyone on the east coast that is in need of repairing your 670 lounge chairs.
I like his idea on shock mounts cause the originals do dry up. Tristmans company does hi end furniture from all over, as i have sent Egg chairs,and swans, to far to ship to our shop in Oklahoma to him.

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